- GitHub Staff
- Barcelona, Spain
- 1h ahead - https://me.rbel.co
This application can translate text captured from any application running on your computer.
Tuile (French for tile) is a 2D graphics engine inspired from old hardware and based on layers, tiles sets, tile maps and sprites. Its scanline rendering pipeline makes it perfect for raster effects.
spx - A Scratch Compatible Go/Go+ 2D Game Engine for STEM education
A simple library to animate sprite in Golang with Ebiten 2D engine
A Simple 2D Golang collision detection and resolution library for games
Puzzles in a magnetic world for Ebitengine's first game jam (2022).
Resound is a library for applying sound effects to Ebitengine games and controlling sound playback easily.
LDtk-Go is a loader for LDtk projects written in Golang.
A 2D shoot 'em up game made with Go, Ebitengine, and donburi. Featuring ECS (Entity Component System).
A minimal GUI framework built on top of Ebitengine that provides support for the Flex Layout Algorithm, building UI from HTML, and user interaction components such as buttons.
Canvas for Ebitengine™: vector graphics for game development
Cairo in Go: vector to raster, SVG, PDF, EPS, WASM, OpenGL, Gio, etc.
Neko is a cross-platform cursor-chasing cat. This is the reimplementation write in Go.
Go library to parse Tiled map editor file format (TMX) and render map to image