HLstatsX Community Edition is an open-source project licensed under GNU General Public License v2 and is a real-time stats and ranking for Source engine based games. HLstatsX Community Edition uses a Perl daemon to parse the log streamed from the game server. The data is stored in a MySQL Database and has a PHP frontend.
Counter-Strike 2 is supported (mostly), via source-udp-forwarder
Date | Description | Additional information |
07.01.2020 | #45 GeoIP2 Linux script updated, GeoLite2 MaxMind database (GDPR and CCPA) | https://blog.maxmind.com/2019/12/18/significant-changes-to-accessing-and-using-geolite2-databases/ |
Date format: DD.MM.YYYY
- https://github.com/NomisCZ/hlstatsx-community-edition/wiki π§ Wiki - work in progress π§
image (See ./src/web/config.php for supported environment variables):
docker run --rm -it -e DB_ADDR=db -e DB_NAME=hlstatsxce -e DB_USER=hlstatsxce -e DB_PASS=hlstatsxce -p 80:80 startersclan/hlstatsx-community-edition:1.11.4-web
# Use --help for usage
docker run --rm -it -p 27500:27500/udp startersclan/hlstatsx-community-edition:1.11.4-daemon --db-host=db:3306 --db-name=hlstatsxce --db-username=hlstatsxce --db-password=hlstatsxce #--help
To deploy using Docker Compose:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.example.yml up
# `web` is available at http://localhost:8081 or https://web.example.com
# `phpmyadmin` is available at http://localhost:8083 or https://phpmyadmin.example.com
# You may need to add these DNS records in the hosts file
echo ' web.example.com' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
echo ' phpmyadmin.example.com' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
- install.sql is mounted in
container which automatically installs the DB only on the first time. If you prefer not to mountinstall.sql
, you may manually install the DB by logging into PHPMyAdmin and importing theinstall.sql
there. traefik
serves HTTPS with a self-signed cert. All HTTP requests are redirected to HTTPS.
- To be safe, stop the
. - Upgrade
:- Bump the docker image to the latest tag
- Login to the
Admin Panel, there should be a notice to upgrade the DB. Click theHLX:CE Database Updater
button to begin upgrading. The upgrade may take a while. - After a few moments, you should see messages that the DB was successfully upgraded
- Upgrade
:- Simply bump the docker image to the latest tag
To use Docker Compose v2, use docker compose
instead of docker-compose
# 1. Start Counter-strike 1.6 server, source-udp-forwarder, HLStatsX:CE stack
docker-compose up --build
# HLStatsX:CE web frontend available at http://localhost:8081/. Admin Panel username: admin, password 123456
# phpmyadmin available at http://localhost:8083. Root username: root, root password: root. Username: hlstatsxce, password: hlstatsxce
# 2. Once setup, login to Admin Panel at http://localhost:8081/?mode=admin. Click HLstatsX:CE Settings > Proxy Settings, change the daemon's proxy key to 'somedaemonsecret'
# This enables gameserver logs forwarded via source-udp-forwarder to be accepted by the daemon.
# Then, restart the daemon.
docker-compose restart daemon
# 3. Finally, add a Counter-Strike 1.6 server. click Games > and unhide 'cstrike' game.
# Then, click Game Settings > Counter-Strike (cstrike) > Add Server.
# IP:
# Port: 27015
# Name: My Counter-Strike 1.6 server
# Rcon Password: password
# Public Address: example.com:27015
# Admin Mod: AMX Mod X
# On the next page, click Apply.
# 4. Reload the daemon via Tools > HLstatsX: CE Daemon Control, using Daemon IP: daemon, port: 27500. You should see the daemon reloaded in the logs.
# The stats of the gameserver is now recorded :)
# 5. To verify stats recording works, restart the gameserver. You should see the daemon recording the gameserver logs. All the best :)
docker-compose restart cstrike
# Development - Install vscode extensions
# Once installed, set breakpoints in code, and press F5 to start debugging.
code --install-extension bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client # PHP intellisense
code --install-extension xdebug.php-debug # PHP remote debugging via xdebug
# If xdebug is not working, iptables INPUT chain may be set to DROP on the docker bridge.
# Execute this to allow php to reach the host machine via the docker0 bridge
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i br+ -j ACCEPT
# CS 1.6 server - Restart server
docker-compose restart cstrike
# CS 1.6 server - Attach to the CS 1.6 server console. Press CTRL+P and then CTRL+Q to detach
docker attach $( docker-compose ps -q cstrike )
# CS 1.6 server - Exec into container
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q cstrike) bash
# daemon - Exec into container
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q daemon ) sh
# web - Exec into container
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q web ) sh
# Run awards
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q awards) sh -c /awards.sh
# Generate heatmaps
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q heatmaps) php /heatmaps/generate.php #--disable-cache=true
# db - Exec into container
docker exec -it $( docker-compose ps -q db ) sh
# Test
./test/test.sh dev 1
# Test production builds locally
./test/test.sh prod 1
# Dump the DB
docker exec $( docker-compose ps -q db ) mysqldump -uroot -proot hlstatsxce | gzip > hlstatsxce.sql.gz
# Restore the DB
zcat hlstatsxce.sql.gz | docker exec -i $( docker-compose ps -q db ) mysql -uroot -proot hlstatsxce
# Stop Counter-strike 1.6 server, source-udp-forwarder, HLStatsX:CE stack
docker-compose down
# Cleanup
docker-compose down
docker volume rm hlstatsx-community-edition_db-volume
./release.sh "1.2.3"
git add .
git commit -m "Chore: Release 1.2.3"
Q: Xdebug: [Step Debug] Could not connect to debugging client. Tried: host.docker.internal:9000 (through xdebug.client_host/xdebug.client_port)
appears in PHP logs on docker-compose up
A: If you are seeing this in development, the PHP debugger is not running. Press F5
in vscode
to start the PHP debugger. If you don't need debugging, set XDEBUG_MODE=off
in docker-compose.yml
to disable XDebug.