A GUI tool to extract videos from a rosbag.
- Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:stathiw/bag2vid.git
- Add bag2vid command to bashrc
cd bag2vid/scripts
- Modify the environment variables in the bashrc to correctly reference your rosbag source folder and bag2vid image tag.
- Set rosbag src folder
export BAG2VID_SRC=/path/to/rosbag_src
- Build or pull the docker image
cd bag2vid
docker compose build
docker pull stathiw/bag2vid:latest
After completing the install and either building or pulling the docker image, the application can be run using either
cd bag2vid
docker compose run ros_melodic rosrun bag2vid bag2vid_gui
Use the Load Bag button to select a rosbag to extract videos from.
Select the camera topic to extract from the dropdown. Upon loading a rosbag, all camera topics will be found.
Press the Extract Video button and enter a file name and location to save the extracted video.
Drag the start (green) and end (red) time selection markers to select the times between which to extract a video.
Press the Capture Screenhshot button to save the current frame as a png.