- 👋 Hi, I’m @stea-uw
- 🔬 I’m interested in advancing the state of the art
- 🤝 I am open to collaborate on ML and HPC research projects
- 📫 Email me at stea@uw.edu to reach out
- 😇 I enjoy writing tools to automate difficult and tedious tasks
- 😄 Pronouns: they/them
- ⚡ Fun fact: I briefly worked in Google's Japan office.
Accessibility notes:
- 🧠 I am neurodivergent, though I can sometimes pass as neurotypical.
- 📝 I strongly prefer written communication. Verbal and nonverbal communication is harder for me.
- ❤️🩹 Apologies if I come off as rude or curt! It's not you, it's me.