- London
- https://link.ste.london
- @stemount
ruby-on-rails-docker-compose-template Public template
A docker-compose template of a Ruby on Rails application using Ruby 2.7.2 and Rails 6.x
vuetify-google-autocomplete Public
Forked from MadimetjaShika/vuetify-google-autocompleteA Vuetify ready Vue.js autosuggest component for the Google Places API.
msdt-follina Public
Forked from JohnHammond/msdt-follinaCodebase to generate an msdt-follina payload
Python UpdatedJun 2, 2022 -
api-1 Public
Forked from EddieHubCommunity/apiAPI to manage our community data
react-native-call-detection Public
Forked from priteshrnandgaonkar/react-native-call-detectionreact-native package to detect call states
Java MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2022 -
workerpool Public
Forked from josdejong/workerpoolOffload tasks to a pool of workers on node.js and in the browser
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 11, 2022 -
game-platform Public
Forked from codemortals/game-platformVirtual Games Platform with Quizzes etc...
TypeScript UpdatedDec 18, 2021 -
LinkFree Public
Forked from EddieHubCommunity/BioDropOpen source alternative to LinkTree
ohmyzsh Public
Forked from ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 1900+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python,…
Helpful-Tech-Resources Public
Forked from lovelacecoding/Helpful-Tech-ResourcesA collection of helpful and educational resources I found on social media
1 UpdatedOct 28, 2021 -
gitpod Public
Forked from gitpod-io/gitpodGitpod automates the provisioning of ready-to-code development environments.
Go Other UpdatedOct 13, 2021 -
openvscode-server Public
Forked from gitpod-io/openvscode-serverRun upstream VS Code on a remote machine with access through a modern web browser from any device, anywhere.
workspace-images Public
Forked from gitpod-io/workspace-imagesReady to use docker images for Gitpod workspaces
Dockerfile MIT License UpdatedOct 13, 2021 -
cloutbot Public
A useful Discord bot that lets you validate people who help, contribute and thank with a star.
VCbouncer Public
VCBouncer is a Discord Bot (to be built) for Voice Text and channel management
1 UpdatedOct 3, 2021 -
free-music-plz Public
A project that just plays F/OSS (Creative Commons) music
count-mistakes Public
Count the amount of times an exception is thrown when you refresh a web project
redisql Public
Forked from DGKSK8LIFE/redisqlMySQL to Redis caching made easy
Go MIT License UpdatedSep 28, 2021 -
browser-extension Public
Forked from gitpod-io/browser-extensionThe browser extension for gitpod.io. Works with Chrome and Firefox.
channel-content Public
Forked from techlore/channel-contentTechlore video channel content & more.
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedSep 27, 2021 -
The Intuitive Vue Framework
JavaScript Other UpdatedSep 26, 2021 -
hacktoberfest-practice Public
Forked from EddieHubCommunity/open-source-practiceRepo for you to raise a Pull Request for practice
discordjs-v13-handler-template Public template
A slash command and event handler for the new discord.js V13 update. Includes some commands to get you started
ideas-and-resources Public
This is a mega repo, automated by GitHub Actions of what @stemount is up to, thinking about or reading/read.
2 UpdatedSep 7, 2021 -