perfect-freehand Public
Draw perfect pressure-sensitive freehand lines.
Awesome-Waitlist Public
Forked from siyryu/Awesome-WaitlistA curated list of stunning landing pages and waitlists for upcoming products.
vectra Public
Forked from Stevenic/vectraVectra is a local vector database for Node.js with features similar to pinecone but built using local files.
olc_rust_sketches Public
Learning rust with the olc Pixel Game Engine.
perfect-freehand-dart Public
Draw perfect freehand lines—in Flutter.
telestrator Public
A disappearing drawing tool for your screen.
polygon-clipping Public
Forked from mfogel/polygon-clippingApply boolean polygon clipping operations (union, intersection, difference, xor) to your Polygons & MultiPolygons.
novel Public
Forked from steven-tey/novelNotion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletions
mathberet Public
Forked from yonatanmgr/mathberetMathberet is a self-hosted digital mathematics notebook written in React and Typescript, designed for math students who need a platform for graphing, sketching, and writing in LaTeX.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedApr 22, 2023 -
tldr-takehome Public
A take-home project for a tldr apprenticeship application
JavaScript UpdatedApr 14, 2023 -
FAC_tldraw_challenge Public
Forked from cameochoquer/FAC_tldraw_challengeJavaScript UpdatedApr 14, 2023 -
tinynurbs Public
Forked from pradeep-pyro/tinynurbsC++ library for NURBS curves and surfaces
excalidraw Public
Forked from excalidraw/excalidrawVirtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
y-websocket Public
Forked from yjs/y-websocketWebsocket Connector for Yjs
perfect-arrows Public
Draw perfect arrows between points and shapes.
state-designer Public
State management with statecharts.
An inventory system in React and State Designer.
tetris-react-state-designer Public
A Tetris implementation using React and State Designer.
react-use-maho Public
A state management tool based on statecharts.
react-decal Public
A miniature canvas game engine in React.
unstyled-challenge Public
Design the web with strict limits on style.