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erawn / Quickpose
Forked from tldraw/tldrawVersion Control for Sketching in Code
SonyStone / ecsy
Forked from ecsyjs/ecsyHighly experimental Entity Component System for javascript
soswow / fit-curve
Forked from volkerp/fitCurvesJavaScript implementation of Philip J. Schneider's "Algorithm for Automatically Fitting Digitized Curves" from the book "Graphics Gems". Converted from Python implementation.
MFEK / stroke
Forked from MatthewBlanchard/MFEKStrokeA utility for stroking paths in font glyphs (UFO .glif) written in Rust.
dr-jts / jts
Forked from locationtech/jtsThe JTS Topology Suite is a Java library for creating and manipulating vector geometry.