lookbook Public
Forked from lookbook-hq/lookbookA native development UI for ViewComponent
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 7, 2023 -
text-expander-element Public
Forked from github/text-expander-elementActivates a suggestion menu to expand text snippets as you type.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedNov 17, 2020 -
slack Public
Forked from integrations/slackBring your code to the conversations you care about with the GitHub + Slack integration
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2018 -
audited Public
Forked from collectiveidea/auditedAudited (formerly acts_as_audited) is an ORM extension that logs all changes to your Rails models.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 25, 2017 -
ruby-destroyed_at Public
Forked from DavyJonesLocker/ruby-destroyed_atActiveRecord Mixin for Safe Destroys
Ruby UpdatedNov 26, 2016 -
docraptor-ruby Public
Forked from DocRaptor/docraptor-rubyA native Ruby client for the DocRaptor document generation service.
Ruby Other UpdatedOct 12, 2016 -
sentry Public
Forked from getsentry/sentrySentry is cross-platform crash reporting built with love
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 17, 2016 -
mergeatron Public
Forked from SnapInteractive/mergeatronA Node.JS bot that automatically runs Jenkins builds for new, and updated, GitHub Pull Requests.
dc-maps Public
Forked from benbalter/dc-mapsMaps of Washington DC area public geodata
Other UpdatedJun 25, 2013 -
phpunit Public
Forked from sebastianbergmann/phpunitThe PHP Unit Testing framework.
PHP Other UpdatedApr 23, 2013 -
php-code-coverage Public
Forked from sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverageLibrary that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information.
PHP Other UpdatedMar 30, 2013 -
phpcs-standard Public
Forked from rhowardiv/phpcs-standardSnap-Interactive code standard files for PHP CodeSniffer
PHP UpdatedNov 21, 2012 -
node-github Public
Forked from octokit/octokit.jsnode library to access the GitHub API
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2012 -
Twig Public
Forked from twigphp/TwigTwig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
symfony Public
Forked from fabpot/symfonyThe Symfony2 PHP framework (PHP 5.3 only -- not yet stable) -- documentation for master is at http://docs.symfony-reloaded.org/master/
mongodb-odm Public
Forked from doctrine/mongodb-odmDoctrine MongoDB Object Document Mapper (ODM)
php-mongodb-admin Public
Forked from jwage/php-mongodb-adminA PHP MongoDB Admin script for managing databases, collections and documents from a standalone easy to use script.
PHP-Profiler Public
A quick, easy to use, profiler for PHP applications