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formtron 2.x ๐ŸŽ›

The ultimate form builder for React!

This package contains both Formtron and the UI-kit Field Components

Formtron ('formtron') exports:

  • a React component: Formtron

  • a series of functions for transforming data: deriveFormData, computeOps, applyOps, computeWarnings

  • a schema for defining a series of fields and mapping those fields to the underlying data

The UI-Kit Field Components ('formtron/components') exports:

  • a dictionary ({[string]: FunctionComponent}) of React components built using the Stoplight UI kit: fieldComponents
  • two React Contexts: AutocompletionContext, DiagnosticMessagesContext

Formtron Features

  • Built for React in TypeScript
  • Terse schema syntax for defining forms
  • Multiple custom layouts
  • Show fields conditionally based on the value of other fields
  • Schema supports passing custom data to field components

UI-Kit Field Components Features

  • Field components for
    • array
    • object
    • checkbox
    • form
    • integer
    • json
    • markdown
    • multiselect
    • select
    • string
    • toggle
  • auto-completion provider for select and multiselect
  • tooltips for every field to display diagnostic messages


Supported in modern browsers and node.

# latest stable
yarn add formtron


import { applyOps, Formtron } from "formtron";
import { fieldComponents } from "formtron/components"; // or bring your own components

  onChange={ops => {
    const previewOutput = applyOps(, ops);
    this.setState(state => ({ ...state, ops, previewOutput }));

fieldComponents is an object whose values are React components and whose keys correspond to field "type"s in the schema. Learn more about the react components in the next section. Learn more about schema types in the

value is a read-only JSON-like data object that provides the initial values for the form.

schema is a read-only JSON object that has it's own documentation page

selection is a read-only . separated path to the currently "selected" node.

onChange emits a JSON-patch-like object... it's practically JSON patch except it uses "." for paths instead of "/". You can use the exported applyOps function to apply the changes when the user hits a Save button or something.

layout is an (optional) string selecting which layout to use. Layouts can be defined in the schema.

resolver is an (optional) resolver that will be called if the value of a field at the given path is undefined. This allows you to do fancy-pants things like read-only views of dereferenced JSON pointers.

Using UI-Kit Field Components

The raw <Formtron> component is completely agnostic and has no set of primitive types. Every "type" used in you schema (boolean, string, etc) must have a corresponding React component. At Stoplight we use ui-kit to build our UI. Therefore the default set of components are React components built with ui-kit. Feel free to use them in your own project, or skip to the next section to learn how to implement your own formtron-compatible components.

These types arre defined in ui-schema.json.

As a Stoplight developer, you should use the provided ui-schema.json to validate your Formtron UI Schema, and extend it as new primitive types are created.

Some of these extend the minimum field schema (type, title, show, area) with additional properties, like:

  • required, minLength, etc
  • options and evalOptions (for select and multiselect types)

Implementing Field Components

Field components need to implement the IFormtronControl interface in order for Formtron to use them.

export interface IFormtronControl {
  id?: string;
  path: string[];
  value: any;
  onChange: (value: any) => void;
  schema: any;
  fieldComponents: Dictionary<React.FunctionComponent<IFormtronControl>>;
  disabled?: boolean;
  layout?: string;

The id prop is a suggested value for your component's id prop, for accessibility.

The path prop indicates where the field component's value is with respect to the top-level Formtron value. This is provided to the component so it can look up additional metadata such as diagnostic messages.

The use of value and onChange is mandatory. Generally field components are controlled components.

You can use the schema that is provided to make use of additional properties such as schema.required and schema.maxLength or schema.custom.widget.

You need not use fieldControls yourself but it is provided in case you are implementing a component that nests other field components.

The disabled prop is passed from Formtron on to field components.

The layout prop is passed from Formtron on to field components.


  1. Clone repo.
  2. Create / checkout feature/{name}, chore/{name}, or fix/{name} branch.
  3. Install deps: yarn.
  4. Make your changes.
  5. Run tests: yarn
  6. Stage relevant files to git.
  7. Commit: yarn commit. NOTE: Commits should follow the conventional format. yarn commit creates this format for you, or you can put it together manually and then do a regular git commit.
  8. Push: git push.
  9. Open PR targeting the master branch.