azazel Public
Forked from chokepoint/azazelAzazel is a userland rootkit based off of the original LD_PRELOAD technique from Jynx rootkit. It is more robust and has additional features, and focuses heavily around anti-debugging and anti-dete…
GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedFeb 14, 2014 -
batter Public
Forked from wafflesfm/batterIt makes Waffles.
beginner_brogramming Public
Forked from anthonykasza/beginner_brogrammingscripts to help beginners program in Bro
bisc Public
Forked from trailofbits/biscBorrowed Instructions Synthetic Computation
chillmon Public
Forked from eastein/chillmonMonitor temperatures using Raspberry Pi - IRC integration.
Python UpdatedApr 13, 2013 -
cocoalibspotify Public
Forked from adrienbrault/cocoalibspotifyA Cocoa wrapper for libspotify
cookbook-elasticsearch Public
Forked from sous-chefs/elasticsearchChef cookbook for Elasticsearch
d3pie Public
Forked from benkeen/d3pieA highly configurable, re-usable data visualization script built on d3.js for creating clear, attractive pie charts.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 16, 2014 -
DetectionLab Public
Forked from clong/DetectionLabVagrant & Packer scripts to build a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices
Everpix-Intelligence Public
Forked from everpix/Everpix-IntelligenceUncensored Everpix metrics, financials and slides for your perusing
UpdatedJan 10, 2014 -
flume-kinesis Public
Flume source and sink for Amazon Kinesis
fnordmetric Public
Forked from asmuth/clipFnordMetric is a redis/ruby-based realtime Event-Tracking app
gophercap Public
Forked from StamusNetworks/gophercapAccurate, modular, scalable PCAP manipulation tool written in Go.
Go GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 29, 2022 -
grr Public
Forked from google/grrGRR Rapid Response: remote live forensics for incident response
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 28, 2015 -
hotpatch Public
Forked from vikasnkumar/hotpatchHot patching executables on Linux using .so file injection
htshells Public
Forked from wireghoul/htshellsSelf contained htaccess shells and attacks
hubot-pagerduty-github Public
Forked from hubot-archive/hubot-pagerduty-githubPagerDuty Integration for checking who's on call, making exceptions, ack, resolve, etc.
huginn Public
Forked from huginn/huginnBuild agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
imap2maildir Public
Forked from rtucker/imap2maildirBacks up an IMAP mailbox to a maildir. Useful for backing up mail stored on free webmail providers, etc.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 6, 2014 -
iSniff-GPS Public
Forked from hubert3/iSniff-GPSPassive sniffing tool for capturing and visualising WiFi location data disclosed by iOS devices
- Public
Forked from NarrativeScience-old/log.ioReal-time log monitoring in your browser
metasploit-framework Public
Forked from rapid7/metasploit-frameworkMetasploit Framework
nanoGPT Public
Forked from karpathy/nanoGPTThe simplest, fastest repository for training/finetuning medium-sized GPTs.
node-tail Public
Forked from lucagrulla/node-tailNodejs module for tailing a file
CoffeeScript UpdatedJun 2, 2013