- Metaverse
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json-joy Public
json-joy is a library that implements cutting-edge real-time and collaborative editing algorithms and utilities for JSON data models, with a focus on developing the JSON CRDT (Conflict-free Replica…
iconista Public
Tens of thousands of SVG icons from 20+ icon sets in one NPM install in one React component
react-embed Public
Embed 3rd party widgets
freestyler Public
5th generation CSS-in-JS library
react-micro-lifecycles Public
Life-cycles for React DOM elements
ass-js Public
Assembler.js — X86_64 and Ethereum
libsys Public
POSIX/Linux/Mac system calls and low level operations for Node.js
nano-css Public
Distilled CSS-in-JS for gourmet developers
fs-monkey Public
Monkey-patches for file system related things
spyfs Public
Node filesystem spies and mocks
very-small-parser Public
Small, no dependencies, Markdown, HTML, and inline CSS parser. Just 4KB, available as ESM module from CDN.
state-containers Public
Simple state containers for your services and React apps
tree-dump Public
Simple console tree printing helpers
thingies Public
Kitchen sink of helpful utilities.
code-colors-react Public
Code syntax highlighting React component
flexible-input Public
Autosizing <input> and <textarea> elements, which expand and shrink to fit contents
sonic-forest Public
High performance tree and sorted map implementations for JavaScript in TypeScript
redis-joy Public
Fast and mean Redis 7+ cluster client written in TypeScript which supports RESP3 protocol
clickable-json Public
Interactive JSON and JSON CRDT editing and viewing React components
fs-zoo Public
File system abstractions and implementations
collaborative-quill Public
JSON CRDT bindings for Quill rich-text editor, with React suppport
collaborative-input Public
Collaboration-enabled HTML text editing elements: <input>, <textarea>, and [contenteditable]