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vexml is an open source library that renders MusicXML using vexflow.



npm install @stringsync/vexml


I recommend you to lock into a specific version to avoid breakages due to vexml API changes.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Loading Fonts

vexml uses vexflow 5^, which requires you to load the fonts you need to use. See the vexflow repo for more information.


Rendering requires you to provide a valid MusicXML string and an HTMLDivElement.

import * as vexml from '@stringsync/vexml';

const musicXML = 'some valid musicXML string';
const div = document.getElementById('my-id');
const score = vexml.renderMusicXML(musicXML, div);

You can also render MXL given a Blob input.

import * as vexml from '@stringsync/vexml';

const mxl = new Blob(['some', 'valid', 'mxl', 'bytes']);
const div = document.getElementById('my-id');
const scorePromise = vexml.renderMXL(musicXML, div);
// From here, you need to await or call then() on the scorePromise to extract the score.

Advanced Usage


To see an exhaustive list of configuration options, see config.ts. You can experiment with all configs on dev site or


The event listening API is similar to EventTarget.addEventListener, except you need to save a reference to the returned handle to unsubscribe.

const score = vexml.renderMusicXML(musicXML, div);

const handle = score.addEventListener('click', (e) => {

// ...


Events work the same for both canvas and svg backends.


Cursors mark a position in a rendered vexml score. You can step through a piece entry-by-entry or seek a specific timestamp.

  • Add a cursor model for the part you're interested in.
  • Render a cursor component to the score's overlay.
  • Listen update the component to react to model changes.
import * as vexml from '@stringsync/vexml';

// ...

const score = vexml.renderMusicXML(musicXML, div);

// Add
const cursorModel = score.addCursor();

// Render
const cursorComponent = vexml.SimpleCursor.render(score.getOverlayElement());

// Listen
  (e) => {
    // The model infers its visibility via the cursorRect. It assumes you've updated appropriately.
    if (!cursorModel.isFullyVisible()) {
  { emitBootstrapEvent: true }

See Vexml.tsx for an example in React.

Custom Rendering

renderMusicXML is the standard way to orchestrate vexml objects. If you need more grannular control, you need to do the following:

  • Declare a vexml configuration.
  • Parse the MusicXML into a vexml data document.
  • Format the vexml data document.
  • Render the formatted vexml data document.
import * as vexml from '@stringsync/vexml';

// Declare
const config = { ...vexml.DEFAULT_CONFIG, WIDTH: 600 };
const logger = new vexml.ConsoleLogger();

// Parse
const parser = new vexml.MusicXMLParser({ config });
const document = parser.parse(musicXML);

// Format
const defaultFormatter = new vexml.DefaultFormatter({ config });
const monitoredFormatter = new vexml.MonitoredFormatter(defaultFormatter, logger, { config });
const formattedDocument = monitoredFormatter.format(document);

// Render
const renderer = new vexml.Renderer({ config, formatter: monitoredFormatter, logger });
const score = renderer.render(div, formattedDocument);


I highly recommend you pass the same config object to all vexml objects. Otherwise, you may get unexpected results.

See render.ts and Vexml.tsx for more examples.

Gap Measures

Gap measures are non-musical fragments that optionally have a label. This is useful when syncing a vexml cursor with media that has non-musical pauses in it (e.g. a video of a teacher explaining a musical concept).

gap measure example

You should create these right after you parse a document, specifically before format you it. Otherwise, the gap may invalidate the format's output.

// ...

const parser = new vexml.MusicXMLParser({ config });
const document = parser.parse(musicXML);

// Insert the gap measure **before** formatting.
  absoluteMeasureIndex: 0,
  durationMs: 5000,
  minWidth: 500,
  label: 'What are pitches?',
  style: {
    fontSize: '16px',

const formatter = new vexml.DefaultFormatter({ config });

// render, etc.



You need docker to run the integration tests.


Before you run any commands, install the dependencies.

npm install

Running the Dev Server

In order to run a dev server that hot reloads vexml changes, run:

npm run dev

You should be able to "save" MusicXML documents in localstorage using the dev app, which will cause the documents to survive refreshing the page.

Running Tests

In order to run tests on x86 architecture, run:

npm run test

If you're running a machine using ARM architecture (such as an M series mac), try setting the default platform before running the command (or set it in your shell profile):

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

These commands are just an alias for jest, so you use all the jest CLI options. For example, to run in watch mode:

npm run test -- --watchAll

To bypass Docker, run:

npm run jest

This will cause snapshots to be saved to tests/integration/__tmp_image_snapshots__, which is ignored by git. It is important that you run it for the first time on a branch without any changes. Doing this on a dirty branch could cause you to have an incorrect snapshot, which may cause problems when developing.

If you suspect issues with the tmp snapshots, run the following command to retake the snapshots (which is scripted to do this at origin/master):

npm run resnap

Debugging Tests

To run a debugger, run:

npm run debug

If you're using VSCode, open the debugging tool and launch Attach to Process. You can set breakpoints in VSCode or insert debugger statements to cause execution to pause.

If you're not using VSCode, open Chrome and visit chrome://inspect. You should see a virtual device that starts with ./node_modules/.bin/jest with an "inspect" button. Clicking this will allow you to use the Chrome debugger.

If you're still having issues, check the jest docs or file an issue.


This library uses americanexpress/jest-image-snapshot for image-based snapshot tests.


You can see diff images in the __diff_output__ directory (nested under __image_snapshots__). Images here are ignored by git, but allow you to see what changed. The order of images are: snapshot, diff, received.

Updating Snapshots

Rendering varies by platform, so it is important you run tests using the npm run test* commands, since that runs tests in a consistent environment (via Docker). This is also the environment that CI will use.

When you want to update all snapshots, rerun the test command with the --updateSnapshot.

npm run test -- --updateSnapshot

If you want to only update a single snapshot from specific test, you can use --testNamePattern.

Removing tests

When removing a test, it is important to remove the corresponding snapshot. There is currently no automatic mechanism to do this. Alternatively, you can run the vexml:latest Docker image with JEST_IMAGE_SNAPSHOT_TRACK_OBSOLETE=1, but make sure you're running the entire test suite. See the docs for more information.


You can publish a vexml version by running the release script:

npm run release [alpha|beta|rc|patch|minor|major]

It should create the git tags needed to create a release on GitHub.


Rendering Hiearchy

The rendering hiearchy is the most important data structure in vexml. The tree-like structure is what allows vexml to query data efficiently in the data document instead of manually passing data directly from a node to its ancestors.


You can visualize most of these structures on by enabling the DEBUG_DRAW_* options.


Score is the root of the hiearchy. It contains many systems and non-musical engravings such as the title.



System represents a collection of formatted measures across all parts.



Measure represents a collection formatted fragments across all parts.



Fragment represents a collection of parts formatted together. It is a music section with a distinct fragment signature (see data/types.ts for what makes a fragment signature). It is necessary because there are some elements that vexflow can only render one of per stave (e.g. start clef). Fragment also contains some non-musical elements, such as part labels.



Part is a fragment-scoped music section that usually corresponds to an instrument. It contains many staves.



Stave is a container for voices.


Shown here are stave intrinsic rects.


Voice represents a collection of entries. There can be multiple voices per stave.


Voice Entry

Voice entry is anything rendered within a voice. Some common examples are notes and rests.

voice entry