Made by scratchminer and rae.
Let's face it: you're a bit of an avid Playdate photographer. Whenever you find something funny, unexpected, or just plain cool, you take a screenshot of it! But don't you wish there was an easy way to keep tabs on your screenshots, straight from the device?
Well, that's where Scrapbook enters the picture! Using (not-really-)patented shenanigan technology™, this app lets you peek at all the screenshots you have saved on your Playdate, straight from the device! No extra setup necessary.
When you open Scrapbook, you'll start off in the Gallery. Use the d-pad to scroll through sneak peeks of each of your screenshots. Then, press the A button on one to open it in the full-screen Viewer! In here, you can press left or right to scrub through your other screenshots. Currently, screenshots are sorted alphabetically - so broadly by which game they were taken from, and then by date within.
Yeah! Currently, this app's in early access - there's a lot of broken stuff, and a lot of features that we wanna add but haven't yet. We (being me and scratchminer)'ll continue chipping away at this app when we've got time, and we've already got more planned! In-depth sorting, favorites, screenshot management (deleting; copying?) straight from the device, etc. There's no planned ETA for any of these features yet, but we'll of course publish updates for any big changes!
- GIF library: lecram/gifdec
- Background music: "Chill Abstract (Intention)" by Coma Media
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