reference implementation of having a unique device completely configured via userpatches.
it's best let armbian use docker on your behalf.
this means 2 things.
- install docker
- add your user account to the
user group so that docker can be ran without sudo
that might look like this
sudo apt install -y
sudo usermod -a -G docker ${USER}
git clone
cd build
git submodule add -f -b main userpatches
will prompt for menus etc
./ nova
uses config-nova-gnome-multimedia.conf
to build a cli based debian sid image
./ nova-gnome-multimedia
Read the armbian docs to better understand the power available in the armbian build framework
Hookpoints allow you to make
add functions prefixed with any of these hook points in your config file.
you can use them to use existing functions or extensions
Extensions are a pluggable way to add a rich library of functions to armbian build framework. Once enabled via a enable_extension
call, They are generally available for use anywhere. "Specifically, extension files should not contain any code outside of functions – they should do nothing when sourced."
NOTE slight edge-case that hooks related to build dependencies may get executed durring the Docker bootstrapping for cache management purposes regardless of being enabled... those extensions aren't otherwise available unless enabled with enable_extension