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NextJs TS template πŸ“š

Basic commands πŸ”§

commands description
yarn start-dev run the development server
yarn install install dependencies
yarn lint run linter
yarn remove remove a package
yarn build build application

How to get started ?

  • Install dependencies yarn install
  • Run server yarn start-dev

Tech Stacks πŸ“¦

tech description Links
nextjs react framework Next.JS
typescript types Typescript
axios HTTP client Axios
eslint linting Eslint
prettier code formatter Prettier
commitlint commit convebtion Commitlint
husky pre-cmmit hooks Husky
stylelint css linter Stylelint


I was in need of a good, solid, reliable and fast boilerplate to work with React/Typescript projects. I was working with Create-React-App and Webpack previously. Later on I discovered Vite which is a good alternative fro CRA
