Set current window on top, make it dark, apply transpareny, shrink it, and more!
- Windows 10
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- Windows Vista (not tested)
Only 64-bit versions (WindowTop is 64-bit only)
WindowTop v3.4.5 (For Windows 10 version 2004 and above)
WindowTop v3.3.10 (For Windows 10, Windows 7)
This source code is provided to you for free in the hope that you will be able to be convinced that there is not any malicious code included.
Because the software is written in Autoit and is very popular, I was not able to deal with the "suspicious program" concern that some users have. The thing that changed the game was the fact that erroneously blocked the software's website due to the "suspicious program" concern.
Read more about it:
The fact that the code is public does not mean that you allowed to do with it whatever you want. Read the license for more details.
Contributions are welcome and will included in the paid version as well. I can't promise any profit for the contributor, It is an option but do not expect anything unless otherwise explicitly agreed.
- Set window on top [ALT+Z]
- Set window to be transparent [ALT+A]
- Activate Aero feature for current window (no default hotkey)
- Set window to be dark (no default hotkey)
- Click through transparent window
- Shrink window instead of minimizing it [ALT+Q]
- Set window to be dark [ALT+W]
Removed in source code.
The paid features are available in the binary only.
- A better dark mode that will adjust itself automatically
- Option to save window configuration
- Option to blacklist or whitelist critical applications
You can purchase WindowTop from here:
You can start a 30 day trial before you decide if you want to purchase it.
Gil Eliyahu (