REST implementation of Django authentication system. djoser library provides a set of Django Rest Framework views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password reset and account activation. It works with custom user model.
Supported features include:
- Token-based authentication
- JWT authentication
- Social authentication
- WebAuthn support
Instead of reusing Django code (e.g. PasswordResetForm
), we reimplemented
few things to fit better into Single Page App
Developed by SUNSCRAPERS with passion & patience.
To be able to run djoser you have to meet the following requirements:
- Python>=3.9,<4.0 (including 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12)
- Django>=3.0.0 (supporting Django 3.2 through 5.1)
- Django REST Framework>=3.12
Simply install using pip
$ pip install djoser
And continue with the steps described at configuration guide.
Documentation is available to study at
and in docs
To start developing on djoser, clone the repository:
$ git clone
We use poetry as dependency management and packaging tool.
$ cd djoser
$ poetry install --all-extras
This will create a virtualenv with all development dependencies.
To run the test just type:
$ poetry run pytest
We also prepared a convenient Makefile
to automate commands above:
$ make init
$ make test
To activate the virtual environment run
$ poetry shell
New versions of pip
can use pyproject.toml
to build the package and install its dependencies.
$ pip install .[test]
$ cd testproject
$ ./ test
You can also play with test project by running following commands:
$ make migrate
$ make runserver
Before sending patches please make sure you have pre-commit activated in your local git repository:
$ poetry run pre-commit install
This will ensure that your code is cleaned before you commit it. The pre-commit hooks will run:
- Black (code formatting)
- Ruff (linting)
- Docformatter (docstring formatting)
- Other quality checks
List of projects related to Django, REST and authentication:
Please, keep in mind that while using custom authentication and TokenCreateSerializer validation, there is a path that ignores intentional return of None from authenticate() and try to find User using parameters. Probably, that will be changed in the future.