Cage-Present is a wlroots-based Wayland compositor for Linux. It is a tweaked version of the Cage compositor by Jente Hidskes, which is itself based on the annotated source of tinywl and rootston by the authors of Sway, so most of the credit should go to these people. Cage-Present lets you show off multimedia presentations that are backed by all the native software on your computer.
You want to give a presentation that includes all sorts of multimedia, like regular pdfs, but also videos, sounds, the whole shebang.
- Spend millions creating a proprietary presentation document format and editor that can embed and display a zillion different types of media.
- Let your OS's already existing document and media viewers do all the work, and wrap the result up in a single maximisable window as a Wayland compositor.
Suppose you want to present something that consists of a multi-page beamer pdf, and an mp4 video, before jumping into an interactive terminal session. To do that, just write a simple script:
xdg-open slides.pdf
xdg-open video.mp4
Then just run cage-present
, and cage-present will spawn a new Wayland
compositor with slides.pdf
maximised inside. You can then advance from the
slides to diagram.pdf
by pressing ALT+Right (by default). Press ALT+Escape to
exit the compositor. The compositor will automatically exit after advancing past
the final command.
The real power of a modular, agnostic approach like this is that you can leverage all of the software on your computer to display any media format at your disposal, without having to wait for someone like Microsoft to decide that it's a good idea. You can even seamlessly transition into any kind of interactive demonstration without having to manually un-fullscreen the presentation and open another window. Of course, the obvious caveat of running arbitrary software is that the only safe option is to run your own presentations on your own computer.
Dependencies: wayland, wlroots, xkbcommon
Building requires the meson build system
$ meson build
$ ninja -C build
To run Xorg applications inside Cage-Present, use the command meson build --Dxwayland=true
, and have a version of wlroots with xwayland support.
Run with ./build/cage-present path/to/