- Kiel, Germany
- http://gitpod.io
- @svenefftinge
PetClinic Example based on GraphQL
The Grain compiler toolchain and CLI. Home of the modern web staple. 🌾
Development Containers: Use a container as a full-featured development environment.
Reactive Distributed communication framework for .NET, Kotlin, C++. Inspired by Rider IDE.
Fast container image distribution plugin with lazy pulling
GitHub action to publish your VS Code Extension to the Open VSX Registry or Visual Studio Marketplace.
Next-gen language engineering / DSL framework
VS Code extension that displays hover documentation in the sidebar or panel
A super simple way to test out different versions Joomla, straight from the browser with
Backstage is an open framework for building developer portals
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
DeepCode extension for Visual Studio Code
A list of cool open-source projects that you can contribute to with one click
Master the command line, in one page
Start a REST API's using Flask in 30 sec. One-click deploy to Heroku Server (free) & integrated with Gitpod.
Installing Django+REST to create API using django (Boilerplate + Quick Tutorials)
Professional Boilerplate for React Web Applications built by 4GeeksAcademy Students
Start a React project in 30 seconds: React, Bootstrap, SASS, Gitpod. Video Tutorial.
用于 Gitpod 的 Apache + PHP + MySQL + PostgreSQL 环境 / An Apache, PHP, MySQL & PostgreSQL environment for Gitpod.
IDE extensions for the Xtext grammar language, mainly for VSCode and Theia/Gitpod
Simple sample to develop dash on gitpod
A diagramming framework for the web