A stand-alone ClojureScript REPL for macOS and Linux based on JavaScriptCore.
Home page: planck-repl.org
On macOS:
$ brew install planck
On Ubuntu:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mfikes/planck
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install planck
For other Linux distros, see Building below.
Launch Planck by entering planck
or plk
at the terminal.
script executesplanck
, while integrating with theclojure
CLI tool to add support fordeps.edn
and classpath-affecting options such as-Aalias
Get help on command-line options by issuing planck -h
or plk -h
For more details, see the Planck User Guide.
It is possible to write Clojure-idiomatic scripts like the following:
(require '[planck.core :refer [line-seq with-open]]
'[planck.io :as io]
'[planck.shell :as shell])
(with-open [rdr (io/reader "input.txt")]
(doseq [line (line-seq rdr)]
(println (count line))))
(shell/sh "say" "done")
Many of the familiar functions and macros unique to Clojure have been ported:
eval, file-seq, find-var, load-reader, load-string, line-seq, intern, ns-aliases, ns-refers, ns-resolve, read, read-line, read-string, resolve, slurp, spit, with-in-str, with-open
as-file, as-relative-path, as-url, delete-file, file, input-stream, make-input-stream, make-output-stream, make-parents, make-reader, make-writer, output-stream, reader, resource, writer
If using macOS or Ubuntu, you can install pre-built binaries as described above under "Installing". The instructions here can be used to build, test, and optionally install Planck on your machine.
See Building Wiki for setting up OS-specific build tooling and dependencies.
Pre-made build environments for various environments are available in build-envs.
$ script/build
The resulting binary will be planck-c/build/planck
Specify --fast
to quickly build a development version that skips Closure optimization:
$ script/build --fast
If you specify -Sdeps
or -R<alias>
, it will be passed through to the underlying clojure
command during the build process. This can be used to specify a ClojureScript dep to use.
$ script/test
The following will install Planck under the prefix /usr/local
$ sudo script/install
If you'd like to install Planck under a different prefix, you may pass -p
. For example:
$ sudo script/install -p /usr
Copyright © 2015–2019 Mike Fikes and Contributors
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.