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Gambit is an efficient implementation of the Scheme programming language.
The new nanopass framework; an embedded DSL for writing compilers in Scheme
A small nanopass compiler from a subset of Scheme to C. (Developed for Clojure Conj 2013)
The new nanopass framework; an embedded DSL for writing compilers in Scheme
Running the code you want to write as fast as the code you have to write
Relational interpreter in miniKanren that can generate quines
An R6RS framework for creating compilers that target C.
Relational Programming in miniKanren
Relational version of parsing with derivatives code
Translation of Pierce's 'Types and Programming Languages' into miniKanren/core.logic
An outdated miniKanren implementation with a not-pairo constraint
A Declarative Theorem Prover for First-Order Classical Logic
Functional implementation of anti-unification algorithm for multiple terms
Relational implementation of the CESK machine
lattice-based miniKanren, inspired by lambda-LVars
Relational implementation of type system and semantics from "Precise Enforcement of Progress-Sensitive Security" by Moore, Askarov, and Chong, CCS'12.
A Literate version of the DMATCH pattern matching macros for Chez Scheme