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drapanjanas / re-natal
Forked from dmotz/natalBootstrap ClojureScript React Native apps
mfikes / cljsrn-desktop
Forked from ptmt/react-native-macosReact Native for OS X
frenchy64 / miniKanren-occurrence-type-inferencer
Forked from michaelballantyne/miniKanren-occurrence-type-inferencernamin / TAPL-in-miniKanren-cKanren-core.logic
Forked from webyrd/TAPL-in-miniKanren-cKanren-core.logicTranslation of Pierce's 'Types and Programming Languages' into miniKanren/core.logic
swannodette / typed-clojure
Forked from frenchy64/typed-clojureGradual typing for Clojure
brandonbloom / clojurescript
Forked from clojure/clojurescriptClojure to JS compiler
Benchmark programs in Clojure, Java, and several other languages, for performance comparison
swannodette / Logic-Starter
Forked from frenchy64/Logic-StarterStarter Project for Introduction to Logic Programming with Clojure
swannodette / jscocoa
Forked from parmanoir/jscocoaWrite Cocoa applications in Javascript
swannodette / clojurescript
Forked from clojure/clojurescriptClojure to JS compiler
disnet / contracts.coffee
Forked from jashkenas/coffeescriptContracts for CoffeeScript
jb55 / Node.js---Amazon-S3
Forked from nuxusr/Node.js---Amazon-S3An S3 library for node.js. Supports automatic md5 of content, streaming, 100-continues, and very large files
dphiffer / proxy-proxy
Forked from ShiftSpace/proxy-proxyIllustrating how the new ShiftSpace proxy will work
swannodette / functools
Forked from ShiftSpace/functoolsFunctional programming for MooTools
swannodette / shiftpress
Forked from ShiftSpace/shiftpressShiftSpace WordPress plugin
mushon / shiftspace
Forked from ShiftSpace/shiftspaceMain repo of the ShiftSpace 1.0 project
swannodette / fxgraph
Forked from ShiftSpace/fxgraphMooTools library for creating animation graphs
swannodette / gmrequest
Forked from ShiftSpace/gmrequestAllow using GM_xmlhttpRequest as transport for MooTools Request
swannodette / promises
Forked from ShiftSpace/promisesPromises for MooTools
ljxia / shiftspace
Forked from ShiftSpace/shiftspaceljxia's repo of the ShiftSpace 1.0 project
swannodette / shiftspace
Forked from ShiftSpace/shiftspaceMain repo of the ShiftSpace 1.0 project
ShiftSpace / mootools-core
Forked from mootools/mootools-coreMooTools Core Repository
rosejn / overtone
Forked from overtone/overtoneprogrammable music