Run BDD tests with Playwright runner.
Inspired by the issue in the Playwright repo microsoft/playwright#11975
Playwright-bdd v7 is released! Dropped Cucumber package dependency, simpler configuration and other improvements. Try it out and share the feedback!
Both Playwright and CucumberJS have their own test runners. You can use CucumberJS runner with Playwright as a library to test BDD scenarios. This package offers an alternative way: convert BDD scenarios into Playwright tests and run them with Playwright runner as usual. Such approach brings all the benefits of Playwright runner:
- Automatic browser initialization and cleanup
- Auto-capture of screenshots, videos and traces
- Parallelization with sharding
- Auto-waiting of page elements
- Out-of-box visual comparison testing
- Power of Playwright fixtures
- ...a lot more
Some features were developed in playwright-bdd
on top of Playwright and BDD approaches:
Check out documentation website.
There are several examples in examples
folder and a separate fully working repo playwright-bdd-example.
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Have a look on this section.
- playwright-magic-steps - Auto-transform JavaScript comments into Playwright steps.