πββοΈ A better web app for data structure visualization and tutoring.
To learn more about this project please check this demo video and slide.
First clone the project to local.
$ git clone git@github.com:tin0819tin/DS_Tutor.git
- Enable backend virtual environment
source api/bin/activate
- Set Flask variables
export FLASK_APP=main.py
- Run DS_Tutor
flask run --reload --debugger
It will open DS_Tutor on
- Unable virtual environment
We have deployed our project on heroku, however since our budget is limited, our plan can't serve large traffic. As a result, we currently don't open the deployment link to public.
For developer, if you are just using DS_Tutor, you could skip this table.
Description | Methods | Binary Search Tree | Min Heap | Max Heap | Red Black Tree |
The page showing the Data Structure | root api |
/bst |
/minHeap |
/maxHeap |
/rbTree |
Insert the node with | /<DS>/insert/<value> |
β | β | β | β |
Delete the node with | /<DS>/delete/<value> |
β | β | β | β |
Find the node with | /<DS>/find/<value> |
β | β | β | β |
Print the DS inorderly | /<DS>/print |
β | β | β | β |
Remove minimum node | /<DS>/rMin |
β | β | β | β |
Remove maximum node | /<DS>/rMax |
β | β | β | β |
Clear the DS | /<DS>/clear |
β | β | β | β |
Check the DIY page on /bst
, /minHeap
, /maxHeap
and /rbTree
Check the test your knowledge page on /tutor