A curated list of awesome golang Security related resources.
List inspired by the awesome list thing.
Supported by: GuardRails.io
- nosurf - CSRF protection middleware for Go.
- gorilla/csrf - Provides Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) prevention middleware for Go web applications & services.
- gorilla/securecookie - Encodes and decodes authenticated and optionally encrypted cookie values for Go web applications.
- secure - Secure is an HTTP middleware for Go that facilitates most of your security needs for web applications.
- unindexed - A drop-in replacement for
which disables directory indexing. - beego-security-headers - beego framework filter for easy security headers management.
- paseto - Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens implementation in GO (Golang)
- hsts - Go HTTP Strict Transport Security library
- jwt-go - Golang implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- safesql - Static analysis tool for Golang that protects against SQL injections. It does not seem to be actively maintained at the moment.
- gosec - Inspects source code for security problems by scanning the Go AST and matching it with a set of rules. Comes bundled in a Docker container securego/gosec
- gometalinter - Concurrently runs most of the existing go linters and normalizes their output.
- golang-announce - The golang release mailing list. Language-specific security issues are announced here.
- snyk Vulnerability DB - Commercial but free listing of known vulnerabilities in libraries.
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures - Vulnerabilities that were assigned a CVE. Covers the language and packages.
- National Vulnerability Database - Golang known vulnerabilities in the National Vulnerability Database.
- CloudFlare SSL - CFSSL is CloudFlare's PKI/TLS swiss army knife. It is both a command line tool and an HTTP API server for signing, verifying, and bundling TLS certificates.
- govwa - A vulnerable golang application including the most common vulnerabilities found in web applications today
- Lambhack - A very vulnerable serverless application in AWS Lambda
- gosea - Go Secure Example Application (GOSEA)
- Go - Secure Coding Practices by OWASP - [PDF] Talk given by Sulhaedir at the OWASP Jakarta meetup.
- OWASP Go - Secure Coding Practices by Checkmarx - Go programming language secure coding practices guide
- Memory Security in golang - Handling data securely in memory.
- A Go Programmer's Guide to Secure Connections - [Video] GopherCon 2018, Liz Rice
- golang-tls - Simple Golang HTTPS/TLS Examples.
- Hacking with Go - Hacking with Go for security professionals.
- ReDoS in Go by Checkmarx - Diving Deep into Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in Go
- Attacking Go: A detailed description on Security assessment techniques for Go projects
Found an awesome project, package, article, or another type of resources related to golang Security? Submit a pull request! Just follow the guidelines. Thank you!