Proposals follow this process document.
π | Proposal | Champion | Stage |
SIMD.JS - SIMD APIs + polyfill | John McCutchan, Peter Jensen, Dan Gohman, Daniel Ehrenberg | 3 | |
Function.prototype.toString revision |
Michael Ficarra | 3 | |
Lifting Template Literal Restriction | Tim Disney | 3 | |
Asynchronous Iterators | Kevin Smith | 2 | |
function.sent metaproperty | Allen Wirfs-Brock | 2 | |
π | Rest/Spread Properties | Sebastian Markbage | 2 |
π | Shared memory and atomics | Lars T Hansen | 2 | | Jordan Harband | 2 | |
String.prototype.{trimStart,trimEnd} | Sebastian Markbage | 2 | |
Public Class Fields | Jeff Morrison | 2 | |
Promise.prototype.finally | Jordan Harband | 2 | |
Class and Property Decorators | Yehuda Katz and Brian Terlson | 2 | |
Date.parse fallback semantics | Morgan Phillips | 1 | |
ArrayBuffer.transfer | Luke Wagneer & Allen Wirfs-Brock | 1 | |
π | export * as ns from "mod"; statements |
Lee Byron | 1 |
π | export v from "mod"; statements |
Lee Byron | 1 |
Observable | Kevin Smith & Jafar Husain | 1 | |
String#matchAll | Jordan Harband | 1 | |
Private Fields | Kevin Smith | 1 | |
WeakRefs | Dean Tribble | 1 | |
Frozen Realms | Mark S. Miller, Chip Morningstar, Caridy PatiΓ±o | 1 | |
Cancelable Promises | Domenic Denicola | 1 | |
π | RegExp Unicode Property Escapes | Brian Terlson, Daniel Ehrenberg, Mathias Bynens | 1 |
Math Extensions | Rick Waldron | 1 |
π means the champion thinks it's ready to advance but has not yet presented to the committee.
Please see Contributing to ECMAScript for the most up-to-date information on contributing proposals to this standard.