Works for Ippen Digital Media GmbH
Ippen Digital Media GmbH
Works for Adient Seating in Poland
Adient Seating in Poland
Is from Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Works for @CODING
Works for Freelancer
Works for JOT (Jollof Of Techies)
JOT (Jollof Of Techies)
Is from İstanbul
Works for @durakiconsulting
Is from United States
United States
Works for Eikonsphere
Is from Taipei, Taiwan 🇹🇼
Taipei, Taiwan 🇹🇼
Works for Engineered Automated Systems for Artificial Intelligence
Engineered Automated Systems for Artificial Intelligence
Is from Guadalajara, México
Guadalajara, México
Works for Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
Is from Bum Fuck, Nowhere
Bum Fuck, Nowhere
Is from Bandung, Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia
Is from Indonesia
Works for Labyrinth Studios
Labyrinth Studios
Works for developing a new AI project...
developing a new AI project...
Works for @w3r-one
Works for @VISKA-IO
Is from Osaka, Japan
Osaka, Japan
Works for Worldee
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