Is from 〇〇県、東アジア
Is from Bay Area, USA
Bay Area, USA
Is from Kitchener-Waterloo
Is from Louisville, KY
Louisville, KY
Is from Munich, Germany
Munich, Germany
Is from Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Works for @datadotworld
Is from Melbourne
Is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Is from Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia, PA
Is from Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Works for Independent + Aalto U, former HSE & Skoltech
Independent + Aalto U, former HSE & Skoltech
Is from where it happens
where it happens
Works for @griffinbank
Is from Switzerland
Is from San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco Bay Area
Works for @netflix
Is from Crozet, VA
Crozet, VA
Is from Detroit, MI
Detroit, MI
Is from Belfast, Northern Ireland
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Is from Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel Aviv, Israel
Is from Singapore
Works for @teddy-co
Is from The States
The States
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