This script will parse the output from Impacket's esentutl.py tool and decode user hashes/hash histories.
This script uses the awesome creddump project to perform the decription, and is heavily based on dshashdump.py code from creddump. Proper credit for the original work is under 'AUTHOR' and 'CREDITS' below.
To extract the hash datatable using in a way to minimize space used, run: esentutl.py /path/to/ntds.dit export -table datatable | grep -E "ATTk590689|ATTm3|ATTm590045|ATTm590045|ATTr589970|ATTk589914|ATTk589879|ATTk589984|ATTk589918" > output
Or run ./extract.sh (just wraps the syntax for esentutl.py): ./extract.sh /path/to/ntds.dit
Then, to extract all users hashes: ./impdump.py SYSTEM output
To extract user hash histories: ./impdump.py SYSTEM output -history
To extract just the krbtgt hash: ./impdump.py SYSTEM output -krbtgt
To decode a specific user hash using raw data: ./impdump.py SYSTEM rawRid rawPekKey
I DID NOT WRITE CREDDUMP- all credit to the original author: creddump is written by Brendan Dolan-Gavitt (bdolangavitt@wesleyan.edu). For more information on Syskey, LSA secrets, cached domain credentials, and lots of information on volatile memory forensics and reverse engineering, check out: http://moyix.blogspot.com/
(from the creddump readme)
AAron Walters. Much of the data type parsing code is taken from Volatility, an excellent memory analysis framework written in Python. He's also a really nice guy, and has helped me out a lot in my research.
Massimiliano Montoro (mao), for reversing the mechanism Windows uses to derive the LSA key so that it can be computed directly from the hive files, as decribed in this post:
http://oxid.netsons.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=149 http://www.oxid.it/
Jeremy Allison, for the details of the obfuscation applied to password hashes in the SAM, as implemented in the original pwdump.
Nicola Cuomo, for his excellent description of the syskey mechanism and how it is used to encrypt the SAM in Windows 2000 and above.
Eyas[at]xfocus.org, for x_dialupass2.cpp, which demonstrates how to read LSA secrets directly from the registry, given the LSA key.
[Note: the above is in Chinese, but quite comprehensible if you use Google Translate and can read C ;)]
Nicholas Ruff, for his perl implementation of des_set_odd_parity, which he apparently took from SSLEAY:
Arnaud Pilon, for the details of how to retrieve cached domain, as implemented in cachedump.
S�bastien Ke, for his cute hexdump recipe:
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.