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Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
Pro Git Book Content, 1st Edition - This content is deprecated. See 2nd edition at [progit2](https://github.com/progit/progit2)
The ruby on rails plugin for teethgrinder's Open Flash Chart (version 2)
The Redmine Kanban plugin is used to manage issues according to the Kanban system of project management.
tDiaryの非正規リポジトリ。どなたでもcommit可能です。commit権希望の方、まずはパッチ等をpull requestして下さい。
Sample app for Rails Developers Meetup.
Tカードの 個人情報提供の停止 対象企業一覧 の新着を通知するためのTwitterボットです
Creates a drag 'n' drop task board of the items in the current version and their status
開発現場でちゃんと使えるRails 4入門 サンプル・アプリケーション