Anomaly Detection in Lymphoma Patients
Here's a quick description for each of the files/folders in this main branch:
File Name - Description
800px-DBSCAN-density-data.png - A photo that Illustrates DBSCAN function - The software we built for the nedical staff
Anomaly Detection in Lymphoma Patients - Exploration & Modelling.ipynb - The notebook in which we investigated the data and developed our algorithms
Decision_support_system_DT_for_doctors.png - Decision tree to determine if the patients has extranodal sites
feature_transformer.pkl - A pickle file that stores the parameters of the train data for the feature transformer
finalized_RF_model.sav - A file that stores the Random Forest algorithm - The file with the code for our transformer algorithms
minmaxScalerX.pkl - A pickle file that stores the parmeters of the min&max values of the
prognostics_dev.csv - The dataset
Anomaly Detection in Lymphoma Patients - Tamar & Lin (1).pptx - The presentation we showed in class
Project Report - Tamar & Lin (1).pdf Project Report (Hebrew)