PINATA_API_KEY=your_api_key PINATA_API_SECRET=your_secret_api_key MNEMONIC=word1 word2 word3 word4 TONCENTER_API_KEY=aslfjaskdfjasasfas{ "name": "Ducks on TON", "description": "This collection is created for showing an example of minting NFT collection on TON. You can support creator by buying one of this NFT.", "social_links": [""] }export async function uploadFolderToIPFS(folderPath: string): Promise { const pinata = new pinataSDK({ pinataApiKey: process.env.PINATA_API_KEY, pinataSecretApiKey: process.env.PINATA_API_SECRET, });
const response = await pinata.pinFromFS(folderPath); return response.IpfsHash; }: 124a59c7-1882-457d-a381-03a09f211de8import { OpenedWallet } from "utils";
export async function waitSeqno(seqno: number, wallet: OpenedWallet) { for (let attempt = 0; attempt < 10; attempt++) { await sleep(2000); const seqnoAfter = await wallet.contract.getSeqno(); if (seqnoAfter == seqno + 1) break; } }
export function sleep(ms: number): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }const toncenterBaseEndpoint: string = testnet ? "" : "";
const client = new TonClient({
endpoint: ${toncenterBaseEndpoint}/api/v2/jsonRPC
apiKey: process.env.TONCENTER_API_KEY,
});124a59c7-1882-457d-a381-03a09f211de8const wallet = WalletContractV4.create({
workchain: 0,
publicKey: keyPair.publicKey,
const contract =; return { contract, keyPair };import { KeyPair, mnemonicToPrivateKey } from "ton-crypto"; import { beginCell, Cell, OpenedContract, TonClient, WalletContractV4, } from "ton";
export type OpenedWallet = { contract: OpenedContract; keyPair: KeyPair; };
export async function openWallet(mnemonic: string[], testnet: boolean) { const keyPair = await mnemonicToPrivateKey(mnemonic); }// first 4 bytes are tag of text comment const comment = new Uint8Array([... new Uint8Array(4), ... new TextEncoder().encode('text comment')]);
await wallet.methods.transfer({ secretKey: keyPair.secretKey, toAddress: JETTON_WALLET_ADDRESS, // address of Jetton wallet of Jetton sender amount: TonWeb.utils.toNano('0.05'), // total amount of TONs attached to the transfer message seqno: seqno, payload: await jettonWallet.createTransferBody({ jettonAmount: TonWeb.utils.toNano('500'), // Jetton amount (in basic indivisible units) toAddress: new TonWeb.utils.Address(WALLET2_ADDRESS), // recepient user's wallet address (not Jetton wallet) forwardAmount: TonWeb.utils.toNano('0.01'), // some amount of TONs to invoke Transfer notification message forwardPayload: comment, // text comment for Transfer notification message responseAddress: walletAddress // return the TONs after deducting commissions back to the sender's wallet address }), sendMode: 3, }).send()// first 4 bytes are tag of text comment const comment = new Uint8Array([... new Uint8Array(4), ... new TextEncoder().encode('text comment')]);
await wallet.methods.transfer({ secretKey: keyPair.secretKey, toAddress: JETTON_WALLET_ADDRESS, // address of Jetton wallet of Jetton sender amount: TonWeb.utils.toNano('0.05'), // total amount of TONs attached to the transfer message seqno: seqno, payload: await jettonWallet.createTransferBody({ jettonAmount: TonWeb.utils.toNano('500'), // Jetton amount (in basic indivisible units) toAddress: new TonWeb.utils.Address(WALLET2_ADDRESS), // recepient user's wallet address (not Jetton wallet) forwardAmount: TonWeb.utils.toNano('0.01'), // some amount of TONs to invoke Transfer notification message forwardPayload: comment, // text comment for Transfer notification message responseAddress: walletAddress // return the TONs after deducting commissions back to the sender's wallet address }), sendMode: 3, }).send()const wallet = WalletContractV4.create({ workchain: 0, publicKey: keyPair.publicKey, });
const contract =; return { contract, keyPair };yarn add typescript @types/node -Dconst transfer = await wallet.methods.transfer({ secretKey: keyPair.secretKey, toAddress: jettonWalletAddress, amount: 0, seqno: seqno, sendMode: 128 + 32, // mode 128 is used for messages that are to carry all the remaining balance; mode 32 means that the current account must be destroyed if its resulting balance is zero; payload: await jettonWallet.createTransferBody({ queryId: seqno, // any number jettonAmount: jettonBalance, // jetton amount in units toAddress: new TonWeb.utils.Address(MY_HOT_WALLET_ADDRESS), responseAddress: new TonWeb.utils.Address(MY_HOT_WALLET_ADDRESS), }), }); await transfer.send();