OWASP Maryam is a modular open source framework based on OSINT and data gathering. It is designed to provide a powerful environment to harvest data from open sources and search engines quickly and thoroughly.
- Linux
- FreeBSD
$ pip install maryam
# Using dns_search. --max means all of resources. --api shows the results as json.
# .. -t means use multi-threading.
maryam -e dns_search -d ibm.com -t 5 --max --api --form
# Using youtube. -q means query
maryam -e youtube -q "<QUERY>"
maryam -e google -q "<QUERY>"
maryam -e dnsbrute -d domain.tld
# Show the framework modules
maryam -e show modules
# Set framework options. It'll save in the workspace.
maryam -e set proxy ..
maryam -e set agent ..
maryam -e set timeout ..
# Run web API
maryam -e web api 1313
Last Updates
- Speed up the core
- Add setup.py and change arch
- Web API: web command
- Error stack and a better performance for dev
- Update google and yahoo: new format
- Add API interface
Contributes are welcome! Here is a start guide: Development Guide You can add a new search engine to the util classes or use current search engines to write a new module. The best help to write a new module is by checking the current modules.
- Write a complete metacrawler engine based on OSINT by using the current search engines
- Add clustering algorithms
- Web User Interface
To report bugs, requests, or any other issues please create an issue.