c implementation of the OPAQUE protocol with bindings for python, php, ruby, lua, zig, java, erlang, golang, js and SASL. also supports a threshold variants based on 2hashdh and 3hashtdh
Taxi is a 🤏 small and 🐊 snappy js library for adding slick PJAX navigation and beautiful transitions to your website.
WebM multiplexer in pure TypeScript with support for WebCodecs API, video & audio.
ActivityPub federated instant messaging server
Vidzy - The federated alternative to TikTok.
This is a compilation of the libraries associated with handling audio and video in ffmpeg—libavformat, libavcodec, libavfilter, libavutil, libswresample, and libswscale—for emscripten, and thus the…
A polyfill for the WebCodecs API. No, really.
MP4 multiplexer in pure TypeScript with support for WebCodecs API, video & audio.
H264 encoder + MP4 output for the web
ActivityPub server framework in TypeScript
🐘 Universal Mastodon API client for JavaScript
Get a codec parameter string (like 'avc1.4d002a') from human readable options (like { name: 'Main', level: '4.2' }) and back to a descriptive name ('AVC Main Profile Level 4.2').
json-joy is a library that implements cutting-edge real-time and collaborative editing algorithms and utilities for JSON data models, with a focus on developing the JSON CRDT (Conflict-free Replica…
Make your JSON data collaborative and version-controlled with CRDTs
Record a video in the browser or directly on the File System from a canvas (2D/WebGL/WebGPU) as MP4, WebM, MKV, GIF, PNG/JPG Sequence using WebCodecs and Wasm when available.
A collection of tone mapping functions available both as ES modules strings and as GLSL files for use with glslify.
An experimental HTML5 & WebGL video composition and rendering API.
An essential diffing algorithm for µhtml.
A Fine-Grained Runtime for Performant DOM Rendering
friction2d / friction
Forked from MaurycyLiebner/enveFriction Graphics
Transpile Fluent (ftl) files into optomized, tree-shakable, JavaScript EcmaScript Modules (esm).
Import GLSL source files. Pre-processed, validated and optimized with Khronos Group SPIRV-Tools. Supports glslify.
A node.js-style module system for GLSL! ✨