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Agenda for the: 35th meeting of Ecma TC39

in: Redmond, Washington, USA
on: 23 - 25 July 2013
TIME: 10:00 till 17:00 PDT on 23rd and 24th of July 2013
      10:00 till 16:00 PDT on 25th of July 2013
    Building 27 Olympic Room
    3009 157th Pl NE
    Redmond WA, 98052
Mr. Luke Hoban's email:
Mr. Luke Hoban's local phone number: 425-706-7922

Please register before 12th of July 2013.

  1. Opening, welcome and roll call 1. Opening of the meeting (Mr. Neumann) 1. Introduction of attendees 1. Host facilities, local logistics
  2. Adoption of the agenda (2013/???)
  3. Approval of the minutes from May 2013 (2013/029)
  4. ECMA-262 6th Edition 1. Status report on latest draft (Allen) 1. Add fill and copySlice methods to Array.prototype and Typed Arrays (Allen) 1. Array.prototype.values (Rick Waldron) 1. Schedule pressure: Consider deferring to ES6 Refutable Matching. However, still make necessary changes to destructuring to future proof it.(Allen) 1. Why new Built-in constructors should not have called as factory semantics. (Allen) 1. Binary data proposal status (David Herman, Dmitry Lomov, Wed or Thurs) 1. Math operations (David Herman) 1. Stable Array.prototype.sort (Norbert) 1. Time zones 1: Bugs or spec issues? (Norbert) 1. Time zones 2: Time zone as property (Norbert)
  5. Open issues discussion. (Allen) 1. Symbol primitive value or object? One more time. 1. Can computed properties name in object literals produce string prop names? 1. {"proto":obj} and {["proto"]: obj} 1. Are Typed Array instances born non-extensible? 1. concat and typed arrays 1. Can let/const/class/function* in non-strict code bind "eval" and "arguments" 1. Does Object.freeze need an extensibility hook? 1. Number.prototype.clz or Math.clz? 1. Semantics and bounds of Number.isInteger and Number.MAX_INTEGER 1. Number.toInteger or Number.prototype.toInteger 1. ToUint32(length) and Array.prototype methods 1. Should we remove [[Construct]] from the MOP and Proxy handler API? 1. Which existing built-in properties that are read-only/non-configurable do we want to make read-only/configurable?
  6. ECMA-262, Beyond the 6th Edition 1. Object.observe/Array.observe spec changes and implementation report (Rafael - Wed or Thurs) 1. Interfacing ECMAScript & HTML/DOM Event Loops (Rafael & Mark - Wed or Thurs) 1. ES7 process 1. Private symbols 1. Parallel JavaScript (River Trail) (Rick Hudson - any day) 1. Value objects update (Brendan) 1. Promises (Anne van Kesteren - any day) 1. Lacking primitives: Event Streams / IO Streams / How to do lists / How to do errors / Dates vs. timestamps (Anne van Kesteren - any day) 1. Open Discussion: New Features without Strawmen
    1. Emitter: Standard lib module (Rick Waldron - any day)
    2. EventEmitter, EventTarget
  7. ECMA-402 1. Status report (Norbert)
  8. Test 262 1. Status report
  9. Status Reports 1. Report from Geneva 1. Brief report from the GA meeting 1. Implementation of the TC39 RF TG operating procedures (2013/019) 1. W3C invitation of TC39 to the W3C technical plenary meetings TPAC 2013 (China) or TPAC 2014 (USA)
  10. JSON 1. Review and approve draft 4 JSON specification
  11. Date and place of the next meeting(s)
    • September 17 – 19, 2013 (Bocoup - Boston)
    • November 19 – 21, 2013 (PayPal - San Jose)
  12. Closure