in: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
on: 23 - 25 Sept. 2014
TIME: 10:00 till 17:00 EDT on 23rd and 24th of Sept. 2014
10:00 till 16:00 EDT on 25th of Sept. 2014
Nine Zero Hotel
90 Tremont St,
Boston, MA 02108
Mr. Rick Waldron's email:
Mr. Rick Waldron's local phone number: 857-540-9264
Please register before 16th of Sept. 2014.
- ✓ Opening, welcome and roll call 1. Opening of the meeting (Mr. Neumann) 1. Introduction of attendees 1. Host facilities, local logistics
- ✓ Adoption of the agenda (2014/???)
- ✓ Approval of the minutes from July 2014 (2014/???)
- ECMA-262 6th Edition
1. ✓ Spec. status report (Allen)
1. ✓ Modules status report
2. ✓ Instantiation Reform (Allen). Review of new design. Consider some detail alternatives. See ( and (
3. ✓ Legacy decimal integer literals starting with 0 and containing 8 or 9. (Jason Orendorff, Boris Zbarsky)
4. ✓
or not? (Erik Arvidsson) 5. ✓ More Function-in-Block (Brian) - ECMA-262 7th Edition
1. ✓ Trailing commas in CallExpressions (Jeff Morrison)
1. ✓ Flush demorm to zero (Allen)
- 3. ✓ ArrayBuffer.transfer (Brendan/Allen for Luke Wagner)
- 4. ✓ Types (Jonathan, Brian) 5. ✓ Math.iaddh, etc. polyfillable 64-bit int helpers (Brendan for Fabrice Bellard)
- 6. ✓ NoSuchProperty built-in proxy (Brendan for Nicholas C. Zakas)
- 7. ✓ Object Rest Destructuring and Spread Properties (Sebastian)
- 8. ✓ Exponentiation Operator Update (Rick)
- Stage 1: tc39/proposal-exponentiation-operator#1
- Stage 2: tc39/proposal-exponentiation-operator#2 9. ✓ RegExps that don't modify global state (Domenic and Jaswanth) 10. ✓ global.asap for enqueuing a microtask (Domenic and Brian) 11. Array.prototype.contains advance to stage 2 (Domenic)
- ✓ Test 262 Status
- ECMA-402 2nd Edition
1. Status Update (Rick)
- This item is pending an offline progress review.
- ✓ Report from the Ecma Secretariat
- Date and place of the next meeting(s) 1. November 18 - 20, 2014 (San Jose - PayPal) 2. January 27 - 29, 2015 (San Francisco - Mozilla) 3. March 24-26, 2015 (Europe) 4. May 27 - 29, 2015 (San Francisco - Yahoo) 5. July, 28 - 30, 2015 (Redmond, WA - Microsoft) 6. September 22 - 24, 2015 (Potland, OR - jQuery) 7. November 17 - 19, 2015 (San Jose - Paypal)
- Group Work Sessions 1. Make suggestions for post meeting work sessions to be held on last day of meeting 2. (None)
- Closure