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Agenda for the: 43rd meeting of Ecma TC39

in: San Jose, CA
on: 18 - 20 Nov. 2014
TIME: 10:00 till 17:00 PST on 18th and 19th of Nov. 2014
      10:00 till 16:00 PST on 20th of Nov. 2014
    Hilton - Santa Clara
    4949 Great America Parkway
    Santa Clara, California, 95054

Mr. Erik Toth's email:
Mr. Erik Toth's phone number: (517) 449-4340

Venue Location

Nearby Hotels

Registration Link

Please register before 8th of November 2014.

  1. Opening, welcome and roll call 1. Opening of the meeting (Mr. Neumann) 1. Introduction of attendees 1. Host facilities, local logistics
  2. Adoption of the agenda (2014/???)
  3. Approval of the minutes from Sept 2014 (2014/???)
  4. ECMA-262 6th Edition
    1. ✓ ES6 draft status report (Allen)
    2. ✓ ES6 End game planning -- what's left to do?
    3. ✓ Assignment to const. (Allen)
    4. ✓ Array.prototype.contains breaks MooTools (Allen)
    5. ✓ Global let shadowing of global object properties (Allen)
    6. ✓ Zepto broken by new this.constructor usage in some Array.prototype methods (Allen, Brian)
    7. ✓ Exactly what did we decide to reserve to support future type syntax??
    8. ✓ Template literal call site object caching. (Erik Arvidsson, Allen)
    9. ✓ Array.isArray(new Proxy([], {})) (TomVC, Brendan Eich, Rick Waldron, Allen)
    10. ✓ RegExp subclassing fixes (Allen)
    11. ✓ Performance issue: Object.defineProperties, Object.create, Object.assign hold on to the first error thrown and continue executing. (Brian Terlson, John David Dalton)
    12. ✓ Should WeakMap/WeakSet have a .clear method? (MarkM)
    13. ✓ Add async as FutureReservedWord (Rick Waldron)
  5. ECMA-262 7th Edition and beyond
    1. ✓ What do we do about Array.prototype.contains and String.prototype.contains? 1 2 (Domenic)
    2. ✓ Pure functions strawperson (Domenic and Erik)
    3. ✓ Abstract references as a solution to LTR composition and private state 1 (Kevin Smith)
    4. I/O Streams as part of the ES standard library?? (Domenic)
    5. ✓ Array.prototype.includes: proposal to move to Stage 2.
    6. ✓ Object.observe: proposal to move to Stage 3.
    7. ✓ Can security monitors reliably detect monkey-patching of primordials? (Brendan, Michael Ficarra [invited expert])
    8. and Map.prototype.filter (spec) + Set (Dmitry Soshnikov, Wednesday)
    9. ✓ Revisit Set API (possible exclusion of entries and keys) (Dmitry Soshnikov)
  6. ✓ Test 262 Status
  7. ECMA-402 2nd Edition 1. Status Update (Rick)
  8. Report from the Ecma Secretariat
  9. Date and place of the next meeting(s) 1. January 27 - 29, 2015 (San Francisco - Mozilla) 1. March 24-26, 2015 (Europe) 1. May 27 - 29, 2015 (San Francisco - Yahoo) 1. July, 28 - 30, 2015 (Redmond, WA - Microsoft) 1. September 22 - 24, 2015 (Potland, OR - jQuery) 1. November 17 - 19, 2015 (San Jose - Paypal)
  10. Group Work Sessions
  11. Closure