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Agenda for the: 44th meeting of Ecma TC39

in: San Francisco - Mozilla
on: 27 - 29 Jan. 2015
TIME: 10:00 till 17:00 PST on 27th and 28th of Jan. 2015
      10:00 till 16:00 PST on 29th of Jan. 2015
    Mozilla Foundation
    2 Harrison Street

    San Francisco, CA 94105

    Allen Wirfs-Brock <>

Attendees: please RSVP by the end of January 16th at this link:

Venue Location

Nearby Hotels

Registration Link (TODO)

Please register before 20th of January 2015.

  1. Opening, welcome and roll call 1. Opening of the meeting (Mr. Neumann) 1. Introduction of attendees 1. Host facilities, local logistics
  2. Adoption of the agenda (2015/003)
  3. Approval of the minutes from Nov 2014 (2014/059)
  4. ECMA-262 6th Edition
    1. ES6 End-game schedule review (Allen)
    2. Final RF Patent Opt-out Periods for ECMA-262-6 and ECMA-402-2(Allen)
    3. ES6 draft status report (Allen)
    4. Recap of changes in recent drafts
    5. Review significant unresolved bugs and issues
    6. Subclass instantiation reformation: status and open issues (Allen)
    7. (see doc TC39 2015/005 on Ecma file server for miniutes of Jan 7 conference call)
    9. in or out as user level feature for ES6?
    10. @@toStringTag (rationales) (Jordan Harband) (es-discuss thread)
    11. Should non-builtins be able to pretend to be builtins?
      1. If yes?
        1. Shims and faithfully built imitations can follow builtin code paths.
        2. step 17.b. can be deleted.
      2. If no?
        1. Missing unspoofable builtin values (Math, JSON, Object, Null, Undefined): spec bug
        2. Should Object.prototype.toString add a prefix to all non-built-in @@toStringTag values rather than a whitelist?
      3. Should builtins be modifiable to pretend to be something else?
        1. No?
          1. Should built-in @@toStringTag values have { configurable: false }?
          2. Does that cover just *.prototype[@@toStringTag], or also own nonwritable nonconfigurable properties on every builtin instance?
          3. Should that apply to only ES5 builtins, or to every builtin?
    12. Proposed: class method syntax induces a non-enumerable method property, in contrast to method shorthand syntax in object literals and in concert with built-ins in the core language. (Brendan, et al.)
    13. Const in sloppy mode (Brian)
    14. Module loader spec integration (Dave)
    15. ES6 Introduction Text (Allen)
  5. ECMA-402 2nd Edition 1. Status Update (Rick)
  6. ECMA-262 7th Edition and beyond
    1. Reflect.isCallable and isConstructor (Jason Orendorff)
    2. Experimental new directions for JavaScript at Google (Andreas Rossberg)
    3. Move Decorators to Stage 0 (possibly Stage 1) (Yehuda Katz)
    4. Updates to Object.observe (Erik Arvidsson)
  7. Test 262 Status
  8. Report from the Ecma Secretariat
  9. Date and place of the next meeting(s) 1. March 24-26, 2015 (Paris - Inria) 1. May 27 - 29, 2015 (San Francisco - Yahoo) 1. July, 28 - 30, 2015 (Redmond, WA - Microsoft) 1. September 22 - 24, 2015 (Potland, OR - jQuery) 1. November 17 - 19, 2015 (San Jose - Paypal)
  10. Group Work Sessions
  11. Closure