in: Portland, Oregon, USA
on: 22 - 24, September 2015
TIME: 10:00 till 17:00 PDT on 22nd and 23rd of September 2015
10:00 till 16:00 PDT on 24th of September 2015
Oregon Convention Center, Room D135
777 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.
Portland, OR 97232
Network: OCC Wifi
Login: TC39
Password: TC39
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Simpatica, 828 SE ASH ST, PORTLAND, OR 97214 (~15 minute walk, ~5 minute drive)
Map of nearby reputable hotels:
Yehuda Katz <>
Tilde HQ <>
Please register as soon as possible!
- ✓ Opening, welcome and roll call 1. ✓ Opening of the meeting (Mr. Neumann) 1. ✓ Introduction of attendees 1. ✓ Host facilities, local logistics
- ✓ Adoption of the agenda
- ✓ Approval of the minutes from July 2015
- Report from the Ecma Secretariat 1. Report from the GA and CC
- Proposals for Future Editions of ECMA-262
- ✓ Proposal: Shared memory and atomics (Lars T Hansen, Mozilla) Proposal materials on github
- ✓ SIMD.js Stage 3 proposal (Daniel Ehrenberg, John McCutchan, Peter Jensen, Dan Gohman) draft specification presentation
- ✓ Async Functions Stage 3 proposal (Brian Terlson) draft specification
- ✓ Updates on class-properties proposal (Jeff Morrison)
- ✓ Updates on decorator proposal and discussion of intersection of private state and decorators (Yehuda Katz)
- ✓ Proposal: call constructor (Yehuda Katz)
- Proposal: auto-super in class constructors (Yehuda Katz)
- Proposal:
sugar in methods (Yehuda Katz) - ✓ Trailing commas in function parameter lists (Jeff Morrison)
- ✓ Proposal: String#padLeft / String#padRight (Jordan Harband, Rick Waldron)
- ✓ Proposal: Object.values / Object.entries (Jordan Harband)
- ✓ Proposal: String#matchAll (Jordan Harband)
- Updates on rest properties proposal (Sebastian Markbage)
- Function.sent metaproperty - call for reviewers
- ✓ Exponentiation Operator update (Rick Waldron)
- Updates on Loader (Dave Herman)
- ✓ Meeting work sessions and plenary meetings
- ✓ Test262 Updates
- ✓ ECMA-402 3rd Edition, 2016
- ✓ Tooling Updates (Brian Terlson)
- Date and place of the next meeting(s) * November 17 - 19, 2015 (San Jose - Paypal) * January 26 - 28, 2016 (San Francisco - Salesforce * March 29-31, 2016 (San Francisco - Mozilla) * May 24 - 26, 2016 (Europe or San Francisco/Google) * July 26 - 28, 2016 (Redmond - Microsoft) * September 27 - 29, 2016 (Los Gatos - Netflix) * November 29 - 30 - December 1, 2016 (Menlo Park - Facebook)
- Closure