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Agenda for the 74th meeting of Ecma TC39

  • Host: University of Hawai'i, Google
  • Dates: February 4-6, 2020
  • Times:
    • 10:00 to 17:00 HST on February 4th, 2020
    • 10:00 to 17:00 HST on February 5th, 2020
    • 10:00 to 16:00 HST on February 6th, 2020
  • Location: Honolulu, HI, USA
  • Attendee information: Reflector

Allen's paper on standards committee participation for new attendees:

Agenda topic rules

Deadline for advancement eligibility: January 25th, 2020 10:00 HST

  • Note: this time is selected to be precisely 10 days prior to the start of the meeting
  1. Proposals not looking to advance may be added at any time; if after the deadline, please always use a pull request so that members are notified of changes.
  2. Proposals looking to advance to stage 0 or 1 must be added (and noted as such) prior to the deadline, or else delegates may object to advancement solely on the basis of missing the deadline.
    1. Such proposals should include supporting materials when possible.
  3. Proposals looking to advance to stages 2, 3, or 4 must be added (and noted as such) along with the necessary materials prior to the deadline, or else delegates may object to advancement solely on the basis of missing the deadline.
    1. Such proposals must link to supporting materials prior to the deadline, or else delegates may object to advancement solely on the basis of missing the deadline. If these materials change substantially after the deadline, the proposal may be disqualified from advancement, based on the committee’s judgment.
    2. Proposals looking to advance to stage 4 must link to a pull request into the spec, since the process requires one.
  4. Proposal-based agenda items should be sorted primarily by stage (descending), secondarily by timebox (ascending), and finally by insertion date.

Supporting materials includes slides, a link to the proposal repository, a link to spec text, etc.; essentially, anything you are planning to present to the committee, or that would be useful for delegates to review.

Agenda items

  1. Opening, welcome and roll call (Chair)

    1. Opening of the meeting
    2. TC39 follows its Code of Conduct
    3. Introduction of attendees
    4. Host facilities, local logistics
    5. Quick recap of meeting IPR policy
    6. Overview of communication tools
  2. Find volunteers for note taking

  3. Adoption of the agenda

  4. Approval of the minutes from last meeting

  5. Next meeting host and logistics

  6. Secretary's Report (15m, Istvan Sebestyen) (slides)

  7. Project Editors’ Reports

    1. ECMA262 Status Updates (Slides, Jordan Harband) (15m)
    2. ECMA402 Status Updates (Slides, Valerie Young) (15m)
    3. ECMA404 Status Updates (15m)
    4. Test262 Status Updates (Slides) (15m)
  8. Updates from the CoC Committee (15m)

  9. Process changes to accommodate US members and US delegates (slides) (Michael Ficarra and Myles Borins)

  10. Web compatibility issues / Needs Consensus PRs

    timebox topic presenter
    5m ToInteger normalizes -0 to +0 Jordan Harband
    10m Remove steps 2 and 4 from ProxyCreate Jordan Harband
  11. Overflow from previous meeting

    stage timebox topic presenter
    2 30m updates on realms (slides) Caridy Patiño
    0 30m Async initialization for stage 1 Bradley Farias
    0 30m Preserve Host Virtualizability for Stage 1 (slides) Mark S. Miller
    0 60m Decimal for Stage 1 (slides) Daniel Ehrenberg
  12. Short (≤30m) Timeboxed Discussions

    timebox topic presenter
    30m Elections at TC39: Introducing a process Yulia Startsev
  13. Proposals

    ✓ represents an agenda item which has been presented, and does not indicate stage advancement

    stage timebox topic presenter
    3 30m Unified NumberFormat for Stage 4 Shane F. Carr
    3 30m WeakRefs status update (slides (late addition, feel free to deprioritize) Daniel Ehrenberg and Shu-yu Guo
    3 15m Intl.Locale for Stage 4 (slides) Zibi Braniecki
    2 30m Intl.Segmenter Stage 2 update (slides, spec text) Richard Gibson
    2 30m Strings or symbols for Temporal.Calendar protocol (slides) Shane F. Carr
    2 60m Updates on Explicit Resource Management (slides) Ron Buckton
    1 30m Object map iteration for Stage 2 (slides, draft spec text, alt draft spec text) Jonathan Keslin
    1 30m Logical Assignment for Stage 2 (slides) Justin Ridgewell
    1 30m Status update on Array Filtering (slides) Justin Ridgewell
    1 30m JSON.parse source text access for Stage 2 (slides) Richard Gibson
    1 30m Module attributes status update (slides) (late addition, feel free to deprioritize) Myles Borins
    1 60m SES Compartments (slides) Mark S. Miller
    0 30m Legacy reflection features for functions in JavaScript for Stage 1 (slides) Mark S. Miller (by Claude Pache, Jack Works)
    0 30m function explicit this parameter (slides) for Stage 1 贺师俊 (HE Shi-Jun) (by Gilbert)
    0 30m function thisArgumentExpected property (slides) for Stage 1 贺师俊 (HE Shi-Jun)
    0 30m Time Duration Format Proposal for Stage 1 Younies Mahmoud
    0 30m ArrayBuffer view stride argument for Stage 1 (slides) Shu-yu Guo (by Surma)
    0 30m ArrayBuffer.fillRandom for Stage 1 (slides) Ron Buckton
  14. Longer or open-ended discussions

    timebox topic presenter
    45m Remote plenaries and SLTG/incubator calls (slides) Daniel Ehrenberg & Shu-yu Guo
  15. Overflow from timeboxed agenda items (in insertion order)

    topic presenter
  16. Other business

    1. Thank host
  17. Adjournment

Schedule constraints

Yulia will attend remotely. Available until 4pm HST. Caridy will attend remotely. Available to present the updates on realms on Wed 10am-11am, or Thur 11am-1pm HST. Philipp will attend remotely on Thursday from 10am - 12am HST (20:00-22:00 UTC). For Temporal Calendar Protocol discussion.

Dates and locations of future meetings

Dates Location Host
2020-03-31 to 2020-04-02 Cupertino, CA Apple
2020-06-02 to 2020-06-04 Chicago, IL PayPal
2020-07-21 to 2020-07-23 Bellevue, WA Microsoft
2020-09-22 to 2020-09-24 Tokyo, Japan Bloomberg
2020-11-17 to 2020-11-19 Budapest, Hungary IBM