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Agenda for the 95th meeting of Ecma TC39

  • Host: F5
  • Dates and times:
    • 10:00 to 17:00 PDT (America/Los_Angeles) on 21 March 2023
    • 10:00 to 17:00 PDT (America/Los_Angeles) on 22 March 2023
    • 10:00 to 16:00 PDT (America/Los_Angeles) on 23 March 2023
  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • Attendee information:

For meeting times in your timezone, visit Temporal docs and run the code below in the devtools console.

  .withTimeZone(Temporal.Now.timeZone()) // your time zone


Agenda topic rules

Deadline for advancement eligibility: March 11th, 10:00 PST

  • Note: this time is selected to be precisely 10 days prior to the start of the meeting
  1. Proposals not looking to advance may be added at any time; if after the deadline, please always use a pull request so that members are notified of changes. Note: an unmerged PR counts as ”added” for the purposes of this requirement.
  2. Proposals seeking feedback at stage 0 must be added (and noted as such) prior to the deadline, or else delegates may object to advancement solely on the basis of missing the deadline.
    1. Such proposals should include supporting materials when possible.
  3. Proposals looking to advance to stage 1 must be added (and noted as such) prior to the deadline, or else delegates may object to advancement solely on the basis of missing the deadline.
    1. Such proposals must link to a proposal repository and they should link to supporting materials when possible.
  4. Proposals looking to advance to stages 2, 3, or 4 must be added (and noted as such) along with the necessary materials prior to the deadline, or else delegates may object to advancement solely on the basis of missing the deadline.
    1. Such proposals must link to supporting materials prior to the deadline, or else delegates may object to advancement solely on the basis of missing the deadline. If these materials change substantially after the deadline, the proposal may be disqualified from advancement, based on the committee’s judgment.
    2. Proposals looking to advance to stage 4 must link to a pull request into the spec, since the process requires one.
  5. Proposal-based agenda items should be sorted primarily by stage (descending), secondarily by timebox (ascending), and finally by insertion date.

Supporting materials includes slides, a link to the proposal repository, a link to spec text, etc.; essentially, anything you are planning to present to the committee, or that would be useful for delegates to review.

Agenda items

  1. Opening, welcome and roll call (Chair)

    1. Opening of the meeting
    2. TC39 follows its Code of Conduct
    3. Introduction of attendees
    4. Host facilities, local logistics
    5. Quick recap of meeting IPR policy
    6. Overview of communication tools
    7. Reminder to review Github Delegate teams (Jordan Harband)
  2. Find volunteers for note taking

  3. Adoption of the agenda

  4. Approval of the minutes from last meeting

  5. Next meeting host and logistics

  6. Secretary's Report (15m, Istvan Sebestyen)(Slides:

  7. Election of the 2023 Chair Group (15m, Yulia Startsev - will be first thing in the morning session on Wednesday)

  8. Project Editors’ Reports

    1. ECMA262 Status Updates (slides) (15m)
    2. ECMA402 Status Updates (Slides) (15m)
    3. ECMA404 Status Updates (15m)
    4. Test262 Status Updates (15m)
  9. Updates from the CoC Committee (15m)

  10. Request/reminder to enable 2FA on GitHub (5m, Jordan Harband)

  11. Web compatibility issues / Needs Consensus PRs

    timebox topic presenter
  12. Overflow from previous meeting

    timebox topic presenter
  13. Incubation call chartering (15m on the last day)

  14. Short (≤30m) Timeboxed Discussions

    timebox topic presenter
    30m Test262 funding status (slides) Philip Chimento
    15m Temporal nanoseconds precision follow-up Philip Chimento
  15. Proposals

    ✓ represents an agenda item which has been presented, and does not indicate stage advancement

    stage timebox topic presenter
    3 10m Iterator helpers: validate arguments before opening iterator (issue, PR) Kevin Gibbons
    3 10m Iterator helpers: closing iterators which have not been iterated (issue, PR) Kevin Gibbons
    3 20m ⌛ Iterator helpers: renaming take/drop (slides) (issue) Michael Ficarra
    3 30m What to do about Set.prototype.intersection order (issue, slides) Kevin Gibbons
    3 45m Decorators: Normative updates (issue) Kristen Hewell Garrett
    3 45m Temporal update and normative changes (slides) Philip Chimento
    2 30m Decorator Metadata updated design and spec (slides, explainer, spec) Kristen Hewell Garrett
    2 30m Async Explicit Resource Management for stage 3 (spec text, slides) Ron Buckton
    2 30m Import reflection update (slides) Luca Casonato, Guy Bedford
    2 45m Import assertions/attributes for Stage 3 (new spec, diff, slides) Nicolò Ribaudo
    1 30m Iterator.range (renamed from Number/BigInt.range) for stage 2, slides Jack Works
    1 30m Float16Array for stage 2 & 3 (spec text, slides) Kevin Gibbons
    1 30m Decimal stage 1 update (slides) Jesse Alama
    1 30m Next steps for RegExp Escaping Jordan Harband
    1 45m Type annotations update (repo, slides) Asumu Takikawa and Daniel Rosenwasser
    1 15m Type annotations delimiting concerns (slides) Waldemar Horwat
    1 60m Shared structs update: prototype implementation, challenges, and performance (slides) Shu-yu Guo
    1 60m Async Context for stage 2 (spec text, slides) Justin Ridgewell, Chengzhong Wu
    0 30m Await Dictionary for stage 1 (repo, slides) Ashley Claymore
    0 30m Promise.withResolvers for stage 1 (repo, slides) Peter Klecha
    0 30m Time Zone Canonicalization for stage 1 (repo, slides summarize this content) Justin Grant, Richard Gibson
    0 45m Class Method Parameter Decorators for stage 1 (slides) Ron Buckton
  16. Longer or open-ended discussions

    timebox topic presenter
  17. Overflow from timeboxed agenda items (in insertion order)

    topic presenter
    30m Async Explicit Resource Management: Cover grammar for await using Ron Buckton
  18. Other business

    1. Thank host
  19. Adjournment

Schedule constraints

Schedule constraints should be supplied here 48 hours before the meeting begins so that the Chairs can take them into account when preparing the schedule.

Normal Constraints

  • Guy Bedford will be unavailable for the morning session on Thursday the 23rd of March due to travelling back from Seattle.
  • Kristen Hewell Garrett will only be available from 11:30-17:00 PDT March 21st, and will be joining remote
  • Chengzhong Wu is attending from Hangzhou, preference for the Async Contexts topic being discussed at the first two hours of the meeting, any of the days.
  • Yulia Startsev is only available for 1 hour in the mornings. Prefer to present topics at the end of committee (happy to also fall off the agenda if proposals need more time).
  • The "Import reflection update" topic should be scheduled before the "Import assertions/attributes for Stage 3" topic. Ideally these are scheduled directly after each other.
  • Asumu Takikawa will be unavailable on March 23rd due to conflicting meetings and would prefer that the type annotations update be scheduled on either the 21st or 22nd.
  • Type annotations delimiting concerns should be scheduled together with Type annotations update
  • Peter Klecha is attending from the Eastern Time Zone and would prefer to present between 10am and 2pm PDT on any day.
  • Ideally "Test262 Funding Status" can be scheduled directly before the standing item "Test262 Status Updates"

Late-breaking Schedule Constraints

  • Jack Works: I'm interested in the following topics (from most important to least important): Iterator.range (I'm presenting this), Import reflection update, Import assertions/attributes, Type annotations, Shared structs, Class Method Parameter Decorators, Await Dictionary, Decimal, Promise.withResolvers. I'm available on any day, but it is midnight for me. I prefer those topics are continuously presented (no other topics in the middle). Those topics should not be presented earlier than the scheduled time if possible, otherwise I may miss it.
  • Justin Grant - it's a hectic week for me with a bunch of family-related stuff, hence the late-breaking request:
    • I've got a new constraint Tuesday 14:30-15:20 PDT that I can't move. Temporal's presentation is currently scheduled to start at 15:00. Would it be possible to do another topic for at least the first 20 mins of our timeslot, for example to swap the order of Temporal vs. Decorators Metadata items? I'm not presenting so Temporal will be able to present without me, but still it'd be very helpful if I could attend. I could also attend any other timeslot today other than 14:30-15:20 PDT, and any of the following times later in the week: any time Wednesday except 11:00-12:00 or 12:30-15:30 on Thursday.
    • I'm currently scheduled to present at "Time Zone Canonicalization for stage 1" around 14:00 PDT on Thursday. This time works great, but I need to schedule a bunch of other meetings on Thursday so if this needs to be changed then please let me know ASAP.

Dates and locations of future meetings

Dates Location Host
2023-05-15 to 2023-05-18 Remote: "Chicago"
2023-07-11 to 2023-07-13 Bergen, Norway University of Bergen
2023-09-26 to 2023-09-28 Tokyo, Japan Bloomberg
2023-11-27 to 2023-11-30 Remote: "SF"