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Agenda for the 99th meeting of Ecma TC39

  • Host: Remote
  • Dates and times:
    • 10:00 to 15:00 PST (America/Los_Angeles) on 27 November 2023
    • 10:00 to 15:00 PST (America/Los_Angeles) on 28 November 2023
    • 10:00 to 15:00 PST (America/Los_Angeles) on 29 November 2023
    • 10:00 to 15:00 PST (America/Los_Angeles) on 30 November 2023
  • Attendee information:
  1 month before the meeting: milestone, 2023-10-27 10:00-0800, 1m
  Proposal advancement deadline : milestone, 2023-11-17 10:00-0800, 1m
  Day 1 : day1, 2023-11-27 10:00-0800, 5h
  Day 2 : day2, 2023-11-28 10:00-0800, 5h
  Day 3 : day3, 2023-11-29 10:00-0800, 5h
  Day 4 : day4, 2023-11-30 10:00-0800, 5h
  todayMarker stroke-width:5px,stroke:#0f0,opacity:0.5

For meeting times in your timezone, visit Temporal docs and run the code below in the devtools console.

  .withTimeZone(Temporal.Now.timeZoneId()) // your time zone


Agenda topic rules

Deadline for advancement eligibility: November 17th, 10:00 PST

  • Note: this time is selected to be precisely 10 days prior to the start of the meeting
  1. Proposals not looking to advance may be added at any time; if after the deadline, please always use a pull request so that members are notified of changes. Note: an unmerged PR counts as “added” for the purposes of this requirement.
  2. Proposals seeking feedback at stage 0 must be added (and noted as such) prior to the deadline, or else delegates may object to advancement solely on the basis of missing the deadline.
    1. Such proposals should include supporting materials when possible.
  3. Proposals looking to advance to stage 1 must be added (and noted as such) prior to the deadline, or else delegates may object to advancement solely on the basis of missing the deadline.
    1. Such proposals must link to a proposal repository and they should link to supporting materials when possible.
  4. Proposals looking to advance to stages 2, 3, or 4, as well as other normative changes to the standard or proposals in stage 3 or later looking to achieve consensus, must be added (and noted as such) along with links to the supporting materials prior to the deadline, or else delegates may withhold consensus for advancement solely on the basis of missing the deadline.
    1. If the supporting materials change substantially after the deadline, delegates may withhold consensus for advancement, based on the committee’s judgment.
    2. For urgent normative changes, the committee is expected to be more forgiving of a missed deadline, since there is generally less material to review than in a stage advancement.
    3. Proposals looking to advance to stage 4 must link to a pull request into the spec, since the process requires one.
  5. Proposal-based agenda items should be sorted primarily by stage (descending), secondarily by timebox (ascending), and finally by insertion date.

Supporting materials includes slides, a link to the proposal repository, a link to spec text, etc.; essentially, anything you are planning to present to the committee, or that would be useful for delegates to review.

Agenda key

When applicable, use these emoji as a prefix to the agenda item topic.

Emoji Meaning
❄️ hard schedule constraints apply to this agenda item (e.g. presenter)
🔒 schedule constraints apply to this agenda item
⌛️ late addition for stage advancement and/or schedule prioritization
🔁 continuation of a previous agenda item

Agenda items

  1. Opening, welcome and roll call (Chair)

    1. Opening of the meeting
    2. TC39 follows its Code of Conduct
    3. Introduction of attendees
    4. Host facilities, local logistics
    5. Quick recap of meeting IPR policy
    6. Overview of communication tools
    7. Reminder to review Github Delegate teams (Jordan Harband)
    8. TC39 stenography support and legal disclaimer
  2. Find volunteers for note taking

  3. Adoption of the agenda

  4. Approval of the minutes from last meeting

  5. Next meeting host and logistics

  6. Secretary's Report (15m, Samina Husain)(Slides)

  7. Project Editors’ Reports

    1. ECMA262 Status Updates (slides) (15m)
    2. ECMA402 Status Updates (15m)
    3. ECMA404 Status Updates (15m)
    4. Test262 Status Updates (15m)
  8. Task Group Reports

    1. TG3: Security (5m)
    2. TG4: Source Maps (slides) (5m)
  9. Updates from the CoC Committee (5m)

  10. Web compatibility issues / Needs Consensus PRs

    timebox topic presenter
    30m Provide source text to HostEnsureCanCompileStrings PR #3222 (slides) Nicolò Ribaudo, Philip Chimento
    30m ⌛ Allow users to specify rounding based on cash denominations in common use PR #839 Ben Allen
  11. Overflow from previous meeting

    timebox topic presenter
    30m ⌛ Withdrawing operator overloading (slides) Daniel Ehrenberg
    20m ⌛ Withdrawing numeric literal suffixes (slides) Daniel Ehrenberg
  12. Incubation call chartering (15m on the last day)

  13. Short (≤30m) Timeboxed Discussions

    timebox topic presenter
    2m Recruiting people interested in JSX to join the matrix room Jack Works
    10m publishing an FAQs document Michael Ficarra
    10m Requesting collaborators for writing and publishing a paper on the TC39 Process at IEEE Mikhail Barash
    10m TG4 proposals process (doc, slides) Nicolò Ribaudo
    20m present TCQ reloaded update and get initial feedback Christian Ulbrich
  14. Proposals

    ✓ represents an agenda item which has been presented, and does not indicate stage advancement

    stage timebox topic presenter
    3 5m RegExp Modifiers stage 3 update (slides, spec) Ron Buckton
    3 5m Array Grouping for stage 4 (PR) Jordan Harband
    3 5m Promise.withResolvers for stage 4 (PR) Peter Klecha
    3 30m Stage 3 update of Intl Locale Info API (Slides) Frank Yung-Fong Tang
    3 30m Temporal normative PR #2718 & general update (slides) Philip Chimento
    3 30m Intl.DurationFormat stage 3 update and normative PRs (slides) Ben Allen
    3 30m ⌛ Decorators normative update re: extra initializers (PR) Kristen Hewell Garrett
    3 30m Iterator helpers web compat continuation (backup PR) Michael Ficarra & Shu-yu Guo
    2 15m ShadowRealm stage 2 update (slides) Leo Balter
    2 30m Deferred import evaluation: deferred re-exports (slides) Nicolò Ribaudo
    2 60m Base64 Uint8Arrays for further discussion (slides) Kevin Gibbons
    1 30m Joint Iteration stage 1 update and request for feedback (slides) Michael Ficarra
    1 30m Iterator Sequencing stage 1 update and request for feedback (slides) Michael Ficarra
    1 45m Slice notation stage 1 update slides HE Shi-Jun (hax)
    1 60m Decimal stage 1 update & request for feedback (slide) Jesse Alama
    0 10m JSON.tryParse for stage 1 Jack-Works
    0 15m a[^i] for stage 1 slides HE Shi-Jun (hax)
    0 30m Module sync assert for stage 1 Jack-Works
    0 30m Math.sum for stage 1 Kevin Gibbons
  15. Longer or open-ended discussions

    timebox topic presenter
    90m continuation of the new stage discussion (PR) (slides) Michael Ficarra
    60m Stop coercing things pt 3 (slides) Kevin Gibbons
  16. Overflow from timeboxed agenda items (in insertion order)

    topic presenter
  17. Other business

    1. Thank host
  18. Adjournment

Schedule constraints

Schedule constraints should be supplied here 48 hours before the meeting begins so that the Chairs can take them into account when preparing the schedule.

Normal Constraints

  • Shu-yu Guo will only be available on Nov 27. Ideally, as many (if any) stage 3+ advancement items should be on that day. If not, materials should be made available ahead of time. Also prefer to be present for Decimal.
  • Nicolò Ribaudo prefers (i.e. consider this a low-priority constraint) to present in the morning
  • The two topics presented by HE Shi-Jun (hax) are highly related and should be scheduled within the same time frame (the only reason they are separated on the schedule is due to the different stages). To accommodate time zone differences, hax would like their topics to be arranged on the third or fourth day.
  • Kristen Hewell Garrett will not be available on Tuesday Nov 28th
  • Jack Works: I'm interested in the following topics (from most important to least important): JSON.tryParse and Module sync assert, Recruiting people interested in JSX (I'm presenting these), Deferred import evaluation, ShadowRealm. I'm available on any day, but it is midnight for me. I prefer those topics to be continuously presented (no other topics in the middle). Those topics should not be presented earlier than the scheduled time if possible, otherwise, I may miss it.
  • Christian Ulbrich will not be available on the 27th for the TCQ update.
  • Michael Ficarra will not be available for the first hour (10:00 to 11:00) on Wednesday.
  • Michael Saboff will not be available Tue, Nov 28. I prefer to be present for RegExp Modifiers, ShadowRealm, Base64 UInt8Arrays & Deciaml.

Late-breaking Schedule Constraints