In order to produce a PDF, the front matter title
, shortname
, version
, and date
are mandatory. If generating a final annual edition, date should reflect the date of the Ecma GA which will ratify the Standard. For example:
title: ECMAScript® 2024 Language Specification
shortname: ECMA-262
version: 15<sup>th</sup> Edition
date: 2024-06-25
To generate markup for use in PDF conversion, make sure to include the options --assets
, --assets-dir
, and --printable
. If you have images and styles to include, make sure to move them into your assets directory before running ecmarkup
. For example:
mkdir -p out &&
cp -R images out &&
ecmarkup --assets external --assets-dir out --printable spec.html out/index.html
Then, from your spec's working directory, run prince
to generate your PDF.
cd path/to/spec
prince --script ./node_modules/ecmarkup/js/print.js out/index.html -o path/to/output.pdf
This has been extensively tested with Prince 15. Earlier and later editions not guaranteed.