Stage: 1
Champion: Tab Atkins-Bittner
JS's PRNG methods (Math.random()
, crypto.getRandomValues()
, etc) are all "automatically seeded" - each invocation produces a fresh unpredictable random number, not reproducible across runs or realms. However, there are several use-cases that want a reproducible set of random values, and so want to be able to seed the random generator themselves.
New APIs like the CSS Custom Paint, which can't store state but can be invoked arbitrarily often, want to be able to produce the same set of pseudo-random numbers each time they're invoked.
Demo: (currently needs Chrome with the Experimental Web Platform Features flag). This demo uses Math.random() to unpredictably shift the "rough borders", but the Houdini Custom Paint API re-invokes the callback any time the element needs to be "repainted" - whenever it changes size, or is off-screen for a bit, or just generally whenever (UAs are given substantial leeway in this regard). There's no way for the callback to store state for itself (by design), so it can't just pre-generate a list of random numbers and re-use them; instead, it currently just produces a totally fresh set of borders. (You can see this in effect if you zoom the page in or out, as each change repaints the element and re-invokes the callback.)
Testing frameworks that utilize randomness for some purpose, and want to be able to use the same pseudo-random numbers on both local and CI, and to be able to reproduce a given interesting test run.
Games that use randomness and want to avoid "save-scumming", where players save and repeatedly reload the game until an event comes out the way they want.
Currently, the only way to achieve these goals is to implement your own PRNG by hand in JS. Simple PRNGS like an LCG aren't hard to code, but they don't produce good pseudo-random numbers; better PRNGs are harder to implement correctly. It would be much better to provide the ability to manually seed a generator and get a predictable sequence out. While we're here, we can lean on JS features to provide a better usability than typical random libs provide for this use-case.
I propose to add a new constructor method to the Math
object, provisionally named SeededPRNG()
. It takes a single seed
can be a UInt8Array
(exact definition dependent on the algorithm we decide on)
or a JS Number (which we interpret into a seed in some well-defined way; this is just for convenience in simple cases).
If the UInt8Array
is the correct size for a seed value,
it's used as such;
if it's the correct size for a state value,
it's used as such;
the constructor throws.
It returns a SeededPRNG
object, the usage of which is described below.
is a slightly annoying name to type.
Maybe just Math.Seeded()
or Math.prng()
See #31.
To obtain a random number from a PRNG object, the object has a .random()
method. On each invocation, it will output an appropriate pseudo-random number in the range [0,1)
based on its state, and then update its state for the next invocation.
To generate this value:
- Obtain 64 random bits from the PRNG.
- Shift right by 11, obtaining a 53-bit integer.
- Convert this integer to an equivalent float64.
- Multiply this float64 by
. - Return the result.
Using the prng object is thus basically identical to using Math.random()
const prng = new Math.SeededPRNG(0);
for(let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
const r = prng.random();
// do something with each value
This specific generation algo is used by Rust and numpy. See
The .state()
method return a fresh UInt8Array
containing the PRNG's current state.
(Note: the state is different and larger than a seed.)
The .setState()
method takes a UInt8Array
containing a PRNG state,
verifies that it's a valid state for the PRNG
(correct size, and any other constraints)
and replaces its own state with that data
(copying from the argument,
not using the object directly).
You can then clone a PRNG like:
const prng = new Math.SeededPRNG(0);
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) prng.random(); // advance the state a bit
const clone = new Math.SeededPRNG(prng.state());
// prng.random() === clone.random()
For example, a game can store the current state of the prng in a save file, ensuring that upon loading it will generate the same sequence of random numbers as before.
There are reasonable use-cases for generating multiple, distinct PRNGs on a page; for example, a game might want to use one for terrain generation, one for cloud generation, one for AI, etc. Using a single PRNG source can be hacked into doing this (for example, by saying that the first of every three values is for terrain, the second is for clouds, etc), but that's hacky and wasteful.
One could manually generate several sub-PRNGs by using a master PRNG to generate several random values, and seeding each with the result, like:
const parent = new Math.SeededPRNG(0);
const child1 = new Math.SeededPRNG(parent.random());
const child2 = new Math.SeededPRNG(parent.random());
But this limits the entropy of the seeds to the numerical precision of the JS number type
(or requires you to carefully manage the entropy of a UInt8Array
To avoid all of this and provide a robust way to generate sub-PRNGs,
the PRNG object must have a .randomSeed()
It's identical to .random()
but rather than producing a JS number that is uniform over the range [0,1)
it produces a pseudo-random UInt8Array
that is uniform over the range of valid seeds.
It then advances the PRNG's internal state,
same as .random()
You can then produce sub-PRNGs like:
const parent = new Math.SeededPRNG(0);
const child1 = new Math.SeededPRNG(parent.randomSeed());
const child2 = new Math.SeededPRNG(parent.randomSeed());
// child1.random() != child2.random()
Instead of explicitly generating a seed,
should we instead just have parent.SeededPRNG()
which directly returns a child prng?
Or just allow the constructor to take a SeededPRNG
which implicitly pulls a value off of it to generate a seed/state from?
This proposal defines a specific prng algorithm for this purpose,
unlike the unspecified prng used by Math.random()
This ensures two things:
- The range of possible seeds is knowable and stable, so if you're generating a random seed you can take full advantage of the possible entropy.
- The numbers produced are identical across (a) user agents, and (b) versions of the same user agent. This is important for, say, using a seeded sequence to simulate a trial, and getting the same results across different computers.
The current proposed algorithm is ChaCha12,
which is the default algorithm used in Rust's rand
(See rust-random/rand#932 for discussion on this.)
See #19 for discussion on alternatives.
Another possible approach is to add an options object to Math.random()
, and define a seed
key that can be provided. When you do so, it uses that seed to generate the value, rather than its internal seed value. This approach should be familiar from C/Java/etc.
The downside of this is that you have manually pass the random value back to the generator on the next call as the next seed
, if you're trying to generate multiple values. That's fairly clunky when all you want is a predictable sequence of values, and means you have to carry around additional state if the random generation happens across functions or callbacks.
It also requires either that the produced value is suitable as a seed, which isn't always the case (for many algos, seeds can have 64+ bits), or requires Math.random()
, when invoked with a seed, to produce a {val, nextSeed}
pair, instead of just producing the value directly like normal.
This proposal is focused specifically on making a seeded PRNG, and intentionally matches the signature/behavior of the current unseeded Math.random()
. I don't intend to explore additional random methods here, as they should exist in both seeded and unseeded forms.
Instead, is a separate proposal for adding more random functions to the existing unseeded functionality. The intention is that the PRNG
object from this proposal will grow all the same methods, so if we added Math.randomInt()
, we'd also get PRNG.randomInt()
, etc.
Whichever proposal advances first will just concern itself with itself, and whichever advances second will carry the burden of defining that overlap. (That is, if this proposal goes first, then proposal-random-functions
will define that all its methods also exist on PRNG
; if it goes first, then this proposal will define that all the new random functions also exist as PRNG