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Tags: tc39/proposal-temporal



Version 0.9.0

This version is being released in order to add deprecation warnings.
See for


Version 0.8.0

This version is being released in order to correspond with the state of the proposal that reached Stage 3.
Expect this polyfill to be replaced by other, more production-ready polyfills.

- All supported calendars are now included in the polyfill. Implementations of some calendars may be slow.
- The previous behaviour of monkeypatching Temporal.Calendar.from() and Temporal.TimeZone.from() to make custom calendars and time zones globally available is no longer supported.
- Month codes are now formatted as `"M03"` or (`"M03L"` for a leap month) instead of `"3"`
- Calendar annotations in ISO strings are now formatted as `[u-ca=name]` instead of `[u-ca-name]`
- Renamed `nearest` rounding mode to `halfExpand`
- Removed Symbol.species from all types
- Methods that return an instance of the class that they belong to will now always return an instance of the Temporal class, even if the method is invoked on a subclass of it
- Removed constructor parameters from Temporal.Calendar.dateFromFields(), Temporal.Calendar.monthDayFromFields(), Temporal.Calendar.yearMonthFromFields(), Temporal.Calendar.dateAdd(), and Temporal.Calendar.dateUntil()
- compare() methods no longer take the calendar or time zone into account
- Temporal.Calendar.fields() may accept an iterable instead of an array as its argument
- Custom calendar implementations may return an iterable instead of an array from Temporal.Calendar.fields()
- Custom time zone implementations may return an iterable instead of an array from Temporal.TimeZone.getPossibleInstantsFor()


Version bump in preparation for release



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Version bump in preparation for release (#1204)


Version 0.5.0

- API renames:
  - Temporal.Calendar.dateDifference -> Temporal.Calendar.dateUntil
  - Temporal.Calendar.datePlus -> Temporal.Calendar.dateAdd
  - Temporal.Calendar.isLeapYear -> Temporal.Calendar.inLeapYear
  - Temporal.Date -> Temporal.PlainDate
  - Temporal.Date.difference -> Temporal.PlainDate.since
  - Temporal.Date.isLeapYear -> Temporal.PlainDate.inLeapYear
  - Temporal.Date.minus -> Temporal.PlainDate.subtract
  - -> Temporal.PlainDate.add
  - Temporal.Date.toDateTime -> Temporal.PlainDate.toPlainDateTime
  - Temporal.Date.toMonthDay -> Temporal.PlainDate.toPlainMonthDay
  - Temporal.Date.toYearMonth -> Temporal.PlainDate.toPlainYearMonth
  - Temporal.DateTime -> Temporal.PlainDateTime
  - Temporal.DateTime.difference -> Temporal.PlainDateTime.since
  - Temporal.DateTime.isLeapYear -> Temporal.PlainDateTime.inLeapYear
  - Temporal.DateTime.minus -> Temporal.PlainDateTime.subtract
  - -> Temporal.PlainDateTime.add
  - Temporal.DateTime.toDate -> Temporal.PlainDateTime.toPlainDate
  - Temporal.DateTime.toMonthDay -> Temporal.PlainDateTime.toPlainMonthDay
  - Temporal.DateTime.toTime -> Temporal.PlainDateTime.toPlainTime
  - Temporal.DateTime.toYearMonth -> Temporal.PlainDateTime.toPlainYearMonth
  - Temporal.Duration.minus -> Temporal.Duration.subtract
  - -> Temporal.Duration.add
  - Temporal.Instant.difference -> Temporal.Instant.since
  - Temporal.Instant.getEpochMicroseconds (method) -> Temporal.Instant.epochMicroseconds (property)
  - Temporal.Instant.getEpochMillieconds (method) -> Temporal.Instant.epochMillieconds (property)
  - Temporal.Instant.getEpochNanoseconds (method) -> Temporal.Instant.epochNanoseconds (property)
  - Temporal.Instant.getEpochSeconds (method) -> Temporal.Instant.epochSeconds (property)
  - Temporal.Instant.minus -> Temporal.Instant.subtract
  - -> Temporal.Instant.add
  - Temporal.MonthDay -> Temporal.PlainMonthDay
  - Temporal.MonthDay.toDateInYear -> Temporal.MonthDay.toPlainDate
  - ->
  - Temporal.Time -> Temporal.PlainTime
  - Temporal.Time.difference -> Temporal.PlainTime.since
  - Temporal.Time.minus -> Temporal.PlainTime.subtract
  - -> Temporal.PlainTime.add
  - Temporal.Time.toDateTime -> Temporal.PlainTime.toPlainDateTime
  - ->
  - Temporal.YearMonth -> Temporal.PlainYearMonth
  - Temporal.YearMonth.difference -> Temporal.PlainYearMonth.since
  - Temporal.YearMonth.isLeapYear -> Temporal.PlainYearMonth.inLeapYear
  - Temporal.YearMonth.minus -> Temporal.PlainYearMonth.subtract
  - -> Temporal.PlainYearMonth.add
  - Temporal.YearMonth.toDateOnDay -> Temporal.PlainYearMonth.toPlainDate
- New APIs:
  - Temporal.Calendar.fields
  - Temporal.Duration.blank
  - Temporal.Duration.round
  - Temporal.Instant.toZonedDateTime
  - Temporal.Instant.toZonedDateTimeISO
  - Temporal.Instant.until
  - Temporal.PlainDate.until
  - Temporal.PlainDateTime.toZonedDateTime
  - Temporal.PlainDateTime.until
  - Temporal.PlainTime.until
  - Temporal.PlainYearMonth.until
  - Temporal.ZonedDateTime
- Removals:
  - Temporal.Calendar.dateMinus
  - Temporal.DateTime.toInstant
  - Temporal.Instant.toDateTime
- Conversion methods that add information, such as
  Temporal.PlainYearMonth.toPlainDate(), now always take a property bag
  with the fields to add.
- Temporal.Instant.toString() now takes one argument, an options bag.
  The time zone may be specified as the value of the `timeZone` property
  in this argument.
- The toString() methods of Temporal.PlainDate, Temporal.PlainDateTime,
  Temporal.PlainMonthDay, Temporal.PlainTime, and
  Temporal.PlainYearMonth now take a `calendar` property which controls
  whether to include the calendar annotation in the string.
- The `overflow` option has been removed from Temporal.Duration.add()
  and Temporal.Duration.subtract().
- Temporal.Instant.toString(), Temporal.PlainDateTime.toString(), and
  Temporal.PlainTime.toString() gain `fractionalSecondDigits`,
  `smallestUnit`, and `roundingMode` options to control the precision
  used in the output string.
- The options argument is removed from Temporal.Duration.from() and Temporal.Duration.with().
- In general, property bags and strings are allowed as arguments
  wherever Temporal objects are accepted.


Version 0.4.0

- API renames:
  - Temporal.Absolute -> Temporal.Instant
  - -> Temporal.Calendar.datePlus
  - Temporal.Calendar.minus -> Temporal.Calendar.dateMinus
  - Temporal.Calendar.difference -> Temporal.Calendar.dateDifference
  - Temporal.Date.getISOCalendarFields -> Temporal.Date.getISOFields
  - Temporal.DateTime.getISOCalendarFields -> Temporal.DateTime.getISOFields
  - Temporal.MonthDay.getISOCalendarFields -> Temporal.MonthDay.getISOFields
  - Temporal.Time.getISOCalendarFields -> Temporal.Time.getISOFields
  - Temporal.YearMonth.getISOCalendarFields -> Temporal.YearMonth.getISOFields
- New APIs:
  - Temporal.Calendar.daysInWeek
  - Temporal.Calendar.monthsInYear
  - Temporal.Date.daysInWeek
  - Temporal.Date.monthsInYear
  - Temporal.DateTime.daysInWeek
  - Temporal.DateTime.monthsInYear
  - Temporal.DateTime.round
  - Temporal.Duration.abs
  - Temporal.Duration.negated
  - Temporal.Instant.round
  - Temporal.Time.round
  - Temporal.YearMonth.monthsInYear
- Temporal.Durations are now allowed to be negative. Mixed signs are not
  allowed, all fields of Temporal.Duration must have the same sign.
- If `a.difference(b)` is positive, then `b.difference(a)` is the same
  duration but negative, and vice versa.
- The 'disambiguation' option is renamed to 'overflow' in contextx where
  it refers to out-of-range values. (It's still called 'disambiguation'
  in the context of time zones.)
- and Temporal.Instant.minus now do not allow
  weeks units in their Temporal.Duration arguments.
- Temporal.Instant.difference, Temporal.DateTime.difference, and
  Temporal.Time.difference now accept milliseconds, microseconds, and
  nanoseconds as values for largestUnit, and also accept the rounding
  options smallestUnit, roundingIncrement, and roundingMode.
- Temporal.Time.difference now does not accept years, months, weeks, or
  days as values for largestUnit.
- Temporal.Date.toDateTime's Temporal.Time argument defaults to
- Temporal.Duration's overflow options no longer allow 'reject', since
  it was the same as 'constrain'.
- Throw in more cases when trying to do an operation on two Temporal
  objects with different calendars.
- The polyfill now does not automatically copy Temporal to the global
  object. We do not want `if (typeof Temporal === undefined)` checks
  appearing in the wild, because this could break the web when Temporal
  is shipped by browsers. If you are using this polyfill, make sure to
  import the object yourself.
- Bug and edge case fixes.


Version 0.3.1

- Bug fixes.


Version 0.3.0

- Bug fixes.
- For Temporal.Date, Temporal.DateTime, and Temporal.YearMonth, now
  disambiguation only applies to when the fields are internally
  inconsistent. If the value is outside of the representable range, a
  RangeError is always thrown.
- API renames:
  - Temporal.Absolute.inTimeZone -> Temporal.Absolute.toDateTime
  - Temporal.Date.getMonthDay -> Temporal.Date.toMonthDay
  - Temporal.Date.getYearMonth -> Temporal.Date.toYearMonth
  - Temporal.Date.withTime -> Temporal.Date.toDateTime
  - Temporal.DateTime.getDate -> Temporal.DateTime.toDate
  - Temporal.DateTime.getMonthDay -> Temporal.DateTime.toMonthDay
  - Temporal.DateTime.getTime -> Temporal.DateTime.toTime
  - Temporal.DateTime.getYearMonth -> Temporal.DateTime.toYearMonth
  - Temporal.DateTime.inTimeZone -> Temporal.DateTime.toAbsolute
  - Temporal.MonthDay.withYear -> Temporal.MonthDay.toDateInYear
  - Temporal.Time.withDate -> Temporal.Time.toDateTime
  - Temporal.YearMonth.withDay -> Temporal.YearMonth.toDateOnDay
- Disambiguation option added to Temporal.MonthDay.toDateInYear.
- UMD module now included in distribution.
- Better output formatting in the Node.js REPL.
- Smaller bundle size.


Version bump

This new version is being released mainly in order to update the README
on to link to the blog post and survey.

API changes:
- { disambiguation: 'compatible' } when converting Absolute->DateTime


Initial 0.1.0 release