This CLI is used to interact with the API.
If you run into any issues please open an issue or get in touch with us at
npm install -g @team-plain/cli
This installs the package globally and makes the plain
command available in your path.
The cli has a help command that can be used to get more information about the available commands:
plain --help
To authenticate with your Plain workspace, the CLI uses a Plain API Key. The key is read from the environment varialble PLAIN_API_KEY
See below for permissions required for each command.
export PLAIN_API_KEY=plainApiKey_xxx
These commands are used for indexing documents for use with Smart AI Responses. The contents of provided urls are scraped and indexed using Open AI.
Index a single document by URL.
Required permissions: indexedDocument:create
plain index-url <url>
-l, --labelTypeIds <labelTypeIds...>
: Array of label type IDs to associate with the indexed url
Index all the urls in a given sitemap you provide.
Required permissions: indexedDocument:create
plain index-sitemap <sitemap url>`
-l, --labelTypeIds <labelTypeIds...>
: Array of label type IDs to associate with the indexed url from the sitemap.