Calculate the magnitude of a given laugh over HTTP and JSON.
Really just used as a demonstration of an HTTP-based remote REPL.
See Debugging Clojure apps with Drawbridge.
This requires Leiningen 2 on the client side.
To set env vars (pre-requisite):
EXPORT AUTH_PASS=reindeerflotilla
To start a web server:
$ lein run
To calculate a laugh:
$ curl http://localhost:5000 -d hahahaha
{"hahahaha": 4, "percentile": 100.0}
To connect a REPL to the running app:
$ lein repl :connect http://flynn:reindeerflotilla@localhost:5000/repl
Copyright © 2012 Phil Hagelberg
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.