rust-wp-cli-poster Public
Finger practice: make a Rust CLI tool in an afternoon that can post short status messages to my WordPress.
Rust The Unlicense UpdatedMar 9, 2025 -
steamdeck-nostore Public
Simple CSS Loader Plugin (See Decky Loader => CSS Loader) to hide the "Store" button on SteamDeck's main menu
adept-jpg-compressor Public
A Bash script to automate adaptive JPEG compression using common CLI tools
httpie-edgegrid Public
Forked from akamai/httpie-edgegridPlugin for httpie to allow edge grid authentication for Akamai
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 26, 2018 -
Retromat Public
Forked from findingmarbles/RetromatRetromat: Plans for (agile) retrospectives - Create, tweak, print, share
JavaScript UpdatedMar 25, 2018 -
essential-image-optimization Public
Forked from taggaddaaaaClassroom/essential-image-optimizationEssential Image Optimization - an eBook
CSS Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 27, 2018 -
rust_playground Public
My dabblings with Rustlang: poorly written code snippets that I wrote to get better.
netlify-php-test Public
Forked from fool/netlify-php-testtest site for netlify using php
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 6, 2017 -
cjpeg-dssim Public
Instead of relying on the non-standardized quality metric for JPEG compression, let's make use of a dissimilarity check to hone in on an optimal quality setting for each JPEG to be compressed
slides-in-markdown Public
Slide deck tool for giving presentations written in MarkDown. Based on remark.js and written in plain HTML, CSS & JS. Features presenter console with speaker notes, timer, screen blanking and more.β¦
progressive-scans Public
Forked from pmeenan/progressive-scansDemonstration framework for displaying the benefits of progressive jpeg images
PHP UpdatedFeb 25, 2016 -
mss-saliency Public
Implementation of the Maximum Symmetric Surround Saliency algorithm to highlight salient regions of interest within images. The algorithm was originally invented by Radhakrishna Achanta and this reβ¦
An opinionated web development boilerplate containing a responsive fluid grid with fixed gutters, many readability enhancements and helper classes. It is focussed on offering components that work wβ¦
resimagecrop Public
Forked from iandevlin/resimagecropRESS based solution for cropping images for responsive design
PHP MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2013 -
Navigataur Public
Forked from micjamking/navigataurA pure CSS responsive navigation menu
php-code-deobfuscator Public
Bash script to retrieve unobfuscated (unencrypted) PHP code
A simple Bash script that you can run e.g. daily via Cron to grab the current access.log from your webserver, parse it and find HTTP error codes to report them. The script can be run from any *NIX β¦
normsetboiler Public
A merger between H5BP's CSS Reset + defaults, Normalize.css as well as several smaller snippets & gists. The aim of this project is to create a sensible, consistent, predictable, cross-browser, valβ¦
1 UpdatedDec 6, 2012 -
-Lucas-Sequence-Numbers Public
This is a small CSS repo based on the post at http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2012/06/sizing-type-with-lucas-sequences/ to size fonts / headings in CSS based on Fibonacci- / Lucas-numbers sequences
Computer-Science-Algorithms Public
Collection of various algorithms for personal study, implemented in PHP
A WordPress plugin that upon activation notifies all logged-in users of upcoming maintainance and forces their logout after a timer (default: 5 minutes) has expired. Only admin-users can access Worβ¦
A simple WordPress plugin which, when adding / editing users, checks the password for minimum length, the usage of small and capital letters as well as numbers.
Unshortener Public
Unshortens URLs to keep the semantic web alive and give your readers a chance to see where a link is actually taking them. This is especially useful when aggregating microblogging-content.