I'm Frank: A husband, father, developer, and instructor.
🟪 Twitch channel: TBD
🔴 YouTube channel: TBD
In the last nearly 8 years I've worked by title as a modern UI Software Engineer for web and mobile. However, I've been doing Backend Software Engineering with Go (Preference), Python, & SQL. Also doing some DevOps.
- DSA with Go (LeetCode and AlgoExpert)
- Docker, Kubernetes, & Cloud Certifications (Docker Exam WIP - Learning via Acloudguru)
- Web Dev with React / Go (project is Lenslocked focused on Go ATM)
🏗️ TODO: Make icons & Group
HTML, CSS, SCSS, jQuery, Lodash, Material-UI, Semantic UI, TailwindCSS, Ag-Grid, PixiJS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, TanStack, React Router, D3, Konva, ChartJS, Leaflet, Nivo, Storybook, Jest, React Testing Library, Testim, Playright, Webpack, Babel, React Native Skia, Expo, Lightning Web Components, Salesforce SOQL & SOSL, Node, Express, Python, FastAPI, Flask, Go, MongoDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, CICD with Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Terraform, Helm, Kubernetes, Istio, Prometheus, ELK/EFK stacks, NGINX, CircleCI, Git, Vagrant, Minikube, K3s, Linux VM, HTTP, MQTT, SSE, WebSockets, GraphQL, AWS S3, EC2, and CloudWatch. Also, much more...